Chapter 20

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 20 of Book 1: New Revelations! Happy December btw! Idk why I said it, I just felt like it. I just love the end-year holidays you know? I absolutely LOVE snow. Too bad in my country, it never snows. Does your country have snow? Let me know in the comments section below. Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Marinette's POV

"What the hell are you doing here Lila?" I seethed. I never thought I would meet Lila Rossi ever since she moved to Italy to become a model. Yet here she was, standing in front of me, in all her lying glory.

"Well, one of my managers friends said they needed a female model here. So I came back." Lila wasn't even looking at me when she replied! She has so little respect for me that she can't even look at me when talking to me. And the worst part: I didn't even know that my friend's friend is Lila's manager! I never would've accepted that recommendation otherwise!

The stagehand stared at the both of us and asked, "Wait. You two know each other?" Unfortunately. Lila sniffed and nodded, then replied, "Yeah. We were classmates in high school." "That's great. Guess I'll leave you two to catch up." The stagehand turned to leave, but Lila grabbed his arm and pulled him back before he could.

"Wait. Get me a cappuccino, no foam." I stared at her in utter disbelief. How can she just do that?! Apparently, that guy thought so too. He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye before replying, "Um... Sorry, but-" "Excuse me. Did I ask for your comments? Hurry up and go make me a cappuccino." Lila interrupted rudely. Just who does she think she is?!

"Ok, just hold on a second. You, go check on the cameramen. Make sure they're ready for the next shoot. Also, get Adrien here." The stagehand nodded and raced off. I turned to Lila, who had an annoyed look on her face. "Why did you do that for?! I wanted a coffee. Just who do you think you are?!" I couldn't believe her. "Um, the last time I checked? Your boss." Lila rolled her eyes and went back to ignoring me, checking out her fingernails. But no way was I going to put up with this shit.

I grabbed her arm so she would look at me and continued, "So you don't give my employees any orders to get you coffee or whatever. They work for me, not for you. If you want coffee so badly, go get it yourself." Lila jerked her hand away from me and said, "Don't grab me like that. I am a model. I can't afford to have bruises." I rolled my eyes and went back to my clipboard. When did Lila get so whiny? "Yeah, give me one cappuccino, no foam. Thanks." I looked up from my clipboard to see Lila talking to one of the cameramen with a big smile. Great. She's breaking out the Lila charm. I walked over to them and said, "Hey, hey, hey. What did I just say about giving my employees orders. You, go back to your station. We're going to be shooting soon." The cameraman nodded and ran off.

I turned and glared at Lila. She was looking at her phone, probably scrolling through her social media to see how many followers she has. I plucked the phone out of her hand, forcing her to look at me. "Hey! Give me back my phone!" Lila exclaimed, reaching for it. I reached it high above my head, out of range, and said, "First, you're not allowed to go through your social media when you're working. Second, I told you not to tell anyone to get you coffee anymore. I'm your boss. I can send you back to Italy as easily as I got you here."

Lila opened her mouth to say something when someone behind me said, "Hey Marinette. Some stagehand told me you wanted me or something? Woah. Hold on a second. What the hell is Lila doing here?" I turned around and Adrien was walking towards us. I sighed and gestured at her while replying, "Apparently, the friend who recommended the Italian model is friends with one of Lila's managers. And the Italian model she recommended? Lila."

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