Chapter 24

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 24 of Book 1: New Revelations!

HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!!! Yes! It's finally 2020!!! I wish you all the best in the year to come!

Also, tomorrow I'm starting at a new school! I'm a little nervous, but still so excited. I can't wait! Now, without further ado, enjoy. 


Emma's POV

"Anyways, we gotta get home now. See you tomorrow girl!" Alyssa exclaimed before shooting me a small smile and ending the call. I rolled my eyes, exasperated, and put my phone down on my desk. I didn't have the energy to deal with her right now. I laid back onto the bed, sighing tiredly. How much did I even run today in total? Ten clicks? Twenty clicks? Whatever. But I was hella tired. 

I heard the front door open and close, probably Mom and Dad coming home from work. I sighed again and flopped onto my stomach. All I wanted was to sleep but I couldn't stop thinking about this afternoon. I could still feel the weightlessness of flying from one roof to the other. I can't lie, it was one of the most fun things I'd ever done in my entire life. 

"EMMA!" A sudden shout startled me out of my sleepy state. What the hell was going on?! My blood ran cold as a thought struck me. Is there an akuma?! I jumped out of bed and raced down the stairs. I scrambled towards the living room and burst through the doors, running in, eyes wide and looking around frantically. 

"What's wrong?! I heard a shout. Is there an akuma..." I faltered when I saw Mom, Dad, Hugo and Louis staring at the television screen. Manon was currently reporting, "... This is some amateur footage of the incident that was taken by one of Emma and Alan's pursuers." A video of me and Alan doing parkour started playing. I didn't even know that someone had taken a video of us! Though I guess I should've expected it. 

Oh shit.

I'm screwed.

Marinette's POV

I opened the door and walked in, holding it open for Adrien and closing it behind him. "Today sure was hectic huh?" I said, taking off my shoes and headed towards the living room. "Yeah, it was." Adrien replied stretching and walking behind me. We had photoshoot after photoshoot after photoshoot. Our schedules were packed. I had to star in some of them due to a lack in female models. The only good news: Lila was completely occupied and had no time to boss around my employees, come between Adrien and me, or do anything equally as bad.

"Mom? Dad? Come quick!" Hugo's voice floated into the main hall and Adrien and I walked in. "What's wrong?" I asked, going over to Hugo. Then, I realized what had caught his attention. Manon was on screen, reporting, "Don't be bemused, it's just the news. This afternoon, Emma Agreste and Alan Lahiffe were seen jumping from rooftop to rooftop this afternoon trying to escape a mob of people that had been chasing them all over Paris."


I whipped my head around to face Adrien. He looked just as confused as I felt. "How did this happen?!" I whispered harshly to him. Adrien shrugged and replied, "I don't know." I sighed and pinched my temple. If there was a mob of people running around Paris all afternoon, how did we not hear it? Work must've been extra hectic today. 

"Whatever the case, I want answers. Now. EMMA!"

Emma's POV

"Um... uh... I can explain." I started quickly, not wanting to get into even more trouble. Judging from the look on Mom's face, I could tell she was pissed. Probably for putting myself in danger when it was "totally unnecessary". Mom gestured at me to continue, then folded her arms. "It's.. uh... it's a long story." I added cautiously. Dad shrugged and replied, "We have time."

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