Chapter 21

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 21 of Book 1: New Revelations! I'm currently on my holiday/I've just finished my holiday. (Depends on when I publish this chapter.) Shoutout to auritm!!! He or she is my second voter! (Voted on Chapter 12. Go check it out.) Thanks so much. I'm very grateful to you, auritm! :) I'm grateful to the rest of you too, for checking out my story! Thank you so so much! Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Emma's POV

"Morning Emma. You feeling ok?" Dad asked as I joined the rest of my family in the dining room. I rolled my eyes and replied, "I'm fine Dad." Dad had been asking if I'm feeling well all week, ever since Mom told him that I'd almost been akumatized on Monday. He seriously needs to chill a little.

I sat down and wolfed down my breakfast. Alyssa and I were going out later today. Nowadays, we don't get to hang out as often as we would like, seeing as I was Ladybug and Alyssa was in charge of the Ladyblog. So today, on this random Saturday, it would be purely Emma-and-Alyssa time.

Mom raised an eyebrow and asked, "I'm guessing you're not eating so fast because you're hungry, are you?" I shook my head and replied, "Nope. Alyssa and I are hanging out today. I'm meeting her at her house in... 5 minutes! Bye!" I ate the last of my breakfast and raced out of the room, calling out Mom and Dad, "See you tonight! I'll be home in time for dinner!"

I grabbed a jacket from my closet and opened my purse, dropping a cookie inside for Tikki to eat. I took a heat pack from my drawer and
my body, I hurried over to Alyssa's house.

Alyssa was already waiting for me out in her front yard when I finally reached her house. She walked over to me and tsked, "You're late Emma." I rolled my eyes and huffed, "Whatever. Let's just go already."

We walked down the path towards the park. "So, what do you want to do today?" Alyssa asked, stuffing her hands into her pockets. I shrugged and replied, "I don't know. Wanna get ice cream from Andre?"

Alyssa raised her eyebrows at me and asked, "You wanna get ice cream. In this weather." I almost laughed out loud when I heard that. Alyssa is the last person I thought would ever say that. She's the queen of ice cream. She's probably already eaten every type of ice cream there is out there.

"Says the girl who finished the everyone's chocolate chip ice cream last summer." I teased. That was a pretty funny sight. We were at summer camp. Alyssa was so deprived of sweets, the moment the camp instructors handed us some ice cream to share, she had already wolfed half of it down. Alyssa ate the ice cream so fast, everyone else didn't get to eat any. Including me.

Alyssa shrugged and replied, "It's like I always say, it's always the right time for ice cream." With a laugh, I whipped out my phone and followed Andre's clues to his ice cream cart.

"Ah, Emma and Alyssa! My two favourite customers! One vanilla and one mint sí?" Andre asked, clapping his hands together. We nodded our heads in unison and Andre handed us our ice creams. Alyssa dug around in her bag to pay for the ice creams when Andre waved his hands. "No, no, no. I can't let Ladybug and Chat Noir's daughter and her best friend pay for their ice creams. This is on me. Enjoy your ice creams!" "Thanks Andre." Alyssa and I called out together. "Remember to tell your friends all about my ice cream!" Andre called out to us as we walked away.

"You being Ladybug and Chat Noir's daughter sure has its perks." Alyssa commented, taking her first bite of ice cream. I rolled my eyes and replied, "Tell me about it."

Laughing, we walked towards the park, licking our ice creams. I felt Tikki wriggle against me and I secretly gave her a spoonful of ice cream. Even strange creatures like kwamis should be able to enjoy the simple pleasures in life, a.k.a. ice cream. Though I better not let Alyssa see me doing that. I would have a hard time trying to find an excuse good enough to satisfy her.

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