Chapter 17

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 17 of Book 1: New Revelations! This is going to be the last chapter in at least two weeks, I think. Sorry about that! But I'm going on a holiday! Yay! Btw, do you guys actually come back to check on this book whenever I update? Let me know in the comments section below. Now without further ado, enjoy.


Emma's POV

A plume of smoke was rising from a few blocks away from the Eiffel Tower. Faint screams of panic could be heard. My eyes widened in shock. I froze. I didn't know what to do. I just stood there like an idiot. "An akuma! Come on LB!" Chat Noir exclaimed, bounding away. I shook my head, shaking myself out of my reverie, and swung after Chat Noir. There were people that needed saving right now. 

We landed on the roof closest to the akuma. People were cowering behind their cars and running into their homes. We need to defeat this akuma quickly or else a lot of people could get hurt. The akuma had on a full body suit decorated with images of poker cards. In her hands was a stack of poker chips. "Hey lady! What do you think you're doing?" I whipped my head towards Chat Noir and glared.

What do you think you're doing?!

Chat Noir just shrugged and we turned our attention back to the akuma. She looked up and exclaimed, "Ah, Ladybug and Chat Noir. Just the two people I needed to see. Give me your miraculouses, will you?" "Not a chance." I retorted. The akuma shrugged and a smile appeared on her face. "Oh well. I was hoping you would say that, anyway."

The akuma started throwing poker chips at us, exploding when it came into contact with something. Chat Noir and I dodged out of the way and landed on the ground in front of the akuma, me swinging my yo-yo and Chat Noir swirling his baton. "What got you this way, anyway? We can help you!" I called out. The akuma scoffed and continued throwing chips our way. "Unless you have a whole ton of money, I doubt it!" 

I did have a lot of money, actually, but I couldn't tell her that. I tried again and said, "What happened to you?" "My name is Croupier. I lost in a game of poker. Big time. Hawkmoth promised to pay off all of my debts as long as I get him your miraculouses! So give them to me!" The torrent of poker chips became heavier and heavier the more she talked. "That's just bad life choices Croupier!" Chat Noir called out. My eyes widened in shock and I glared at him.

Are you trying to make her more angry?!

Chat Noir shrugged and dodged more poker chips. This fight is getting nowhere! I need to end this. Fast. "Where do you think the akuma's hiding?" I asked Chat Noir. He shrugged and replied, "It might be one of the poker chips, but which one?" I scanned Croupier up and down, looking for anything that stands out. Then, I noticed something sticking out of her arm slightly, barely noticeable. It was a poker card!

"Chat Noir! It's in the poker card!" Chat Noir scanned Croupier and nodded when he found it. "Lucky Charm!" A hook dropped out of nowhere into my palm. A hook? What am I supposed to do with this?! I looked around for anything I could use and saw Chat Noir, his belt and the hook. I had an idea.

"Chat Noir, give me your belt." Chat Noir quickly took it off and tossed it to me. Hooking the hook to one end of the belt, I swung it towards Croupier while she was distracted by Chat Noir. It hooked onto the poker card and I pulled on the belt, trying to free the poker card. On the third tug, it finally came loose and I took the poker card off of the hook. "Chat Noir! I exclaimed, flinging the card towards him. "Cataclysm!" Chat Noir destroyed the poker card and Croupier turned back to normal.

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