Chapter 22

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 22 of Book 1: New Revelations! I'm BACK!!! Hope you didn't miss me too much. 😊 I was going to post some photos of my holiday but, sadly, Wattpad doesn't support photos that you take yourself or something. 😓 If anyone knows how to do it, let me know in the comments section below. Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Emma's POV

"Girl it's going viral! Everyone at school's talking about it!" Alyssa squealed, shaking me. I quickly shushed her and hissed in reply, "I know. Why did you think we are hiding at the back of the school?" The magazine where I modeled with Alan finally came out yesterday and apparently everyone in Paris got hold of it within the day. My Instagram and Twitter accounts were blowing up with thousands and thousands of posts and tweets. Fans from all over Paris, all over the world, even, had tons of things to say about me and Alan. It was crazy.

Alyssa shook her head, excitement shining in her eyes. "I don't think you get it Emma! People think you're his girlfriend! That is insane!" That seemed to be what everyone thought ever since that magazine came out. People were posting and tweeting about how I was in the magazine with Alan because we just started dating. "Yeah, it is insane. It's also insane how many people are hating me because of it!" I retorted, clenching my fists. That was the other side of it. A crazy amount of fans were saying how I "don't deserve him" or "just blackmailed him into becoming her boyfriend" and I'm "just using him for money".

Alyssa sighed dramatically and said, exasperated, "Emma! People think you two look cute together! Alan could finally give in and actually ask you to be his girlfriend!" I whipped my head around to stare at her, open-mouthed. Alyssa actually thinks this is a good thing?! "Alyssa! Don't you see? I can't ever speak to him again! I don't think I can even show my face at school today! Maybe ever! And besides, I don't want him to like me because of peer pressure! That's just lame!" I protested. Alyssa really wasn't getting this.

Alyssa rolled her eyes and said, "Girl! You have nothing to worry about! It's not like you were the one that said you and Alan were boyfriend and girlfriend. You didn't mess up the photos like you said you would. The subscription to the magazine doubled! Everything's fine. Great even! People just think you're Alan's girlfriend, that's all!"

What the hell... That's all?! It was my turn to shake Alyssa. "That's even worse than messing up the photos! God, I can't speak to Alan again. I'll have to change classes... no, change schools. Change my name, my face, my hair. I might have to move out of Paris and-" "Girl chill! Alan knows that this isn't your fault! You have nothing to worry about." Alyssa reassured me, interrupting my rant.

Alyssa still doesn't get it! Unbelievable! I gripped Alyssa by her shoulders and looked her dead in the eye. "Alyssa. They think I'm his girlfriend. His girlfriend. How do you know he's ok with that?! You don't even know if he likes me like that! You don't even know if he likes someone else!"

Alyssa rolled her eyes and said, "Ok, now you're being overly-dramatic. (Only now? 🤨😂) We both know for a fact that Alan doesn't like anyone." That was true. After being friends with Alan so long, I know when he has a certain person in mind. "But that includes me Alyssa!" I fretted, fiddling with my hands. Alyssa sighed again and ran her fingers through her hair. "You have a point there." Alyssa mumbled, looking around. She took out her phone and reported, "We have 5 minutes until class starts."

I groaned in frustration and slid down the wall, sitting down on the floor. My heart beat faster and faster with each passing second. I wiped my hands on the sides of my jeans and mumbled, "Oh god. What am I going to do now?" "Alyssa? Emma? What are you guys doing back here? Shouldn't you be inside?" Alyssa and I turned our heads to face Kace. When did he get there? Alyssa rolled her eyes and replied, "Emma didn't want anyone to see her so she's hiding here."

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