Chapter 7

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 7 of Book 1: New Revelations! Writing this book is so much fun, and I hope you like it as much as I do. 😀😀😀 Btw, TYSM FOR 86 READS!!! That's almost a 100 reads! Yay! Now, without further ado, enjoy.

Emma's POV

I don't know what reaction I was expecting from Alyssa, but it definitely wasn't what I got.

Alyssa looked off into the distance and tapped her chin thoughtfully. She wondered aloud, "Hmm. Now that you've finally admitted it and stopped lying to yourself, I can get you guys together. You need a ship name. Almma? Nah. Alana? Definitely not. Um... I know! Emman! It's perfect!"

I stared at her and when she finally noticed, she asked, "What? Do I have ice cream on my face?" I shook my head, then said, "No, no. I just didn't expect this reaction from you. I thought maybe you'd be screaming in my face or saying that I can't have a crush on your brother since you're my best friend. Why are you shipping me and your brother? Aren't you supposed to be grossed out or something?"

Alyssa looked at me like I'm crazy. She said while swatting me on the arm, "Don't be ridiculous. You and my brother are perfect for each other! You're destined to be with one another!" I snorted and said, "Yeah, I don't think that's going to happen." Alyssa sighed and said, "You want proof? Fine. Remember when Alan was saying what ice cream flavours he got? It described you perfectly! Strawberry with black chocolate chips, blackberry and blueberry ice cream! And your ice cream described him perfectly! Chocolate, banana and passion fruit!"

It was my turn to look at her like she was crazy. I asked incredulous, "You don't really believe that those who eat Andre's ice cream together are destined to stay in love forever, do you?" Alyssa shrugged and replied, "It's like Alan said. You just need to believe. It doesn't matter if it's true or not." I rolled my eyes and said, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. You better go home now. Your family is probably worried about you." She waved goodbye to me and yelled over her shoulder as she ran home, "See you tomorrow girl!"

I opened the gates and found Chimp waiting for me at the door. He opened it for me and i smiled at him. "Thanks Chimp." I said while walking in. Chimp only grunted in reply. His usual response. I opened the door to the living room and stepped inside, wanting to rest on the couch for a while before I headed to my room and find Hugo and Louis. What I saw in front of me made me freeze in my tracks. I couldn't believe it.

"What the hell is happening here?!"

Marinette's POV

"I'm so glad you forgive us now, Hugo, Louis." I whispered into their ears as I hugged them tight. Louis whispered back, "Believe me Mommy. We're both glad too." I smiled to myself as I felt Adrien's strong arms envelope Hugo, Louis and me in a warm hug. It felt so good to be able to hold my children again. Being away from them was torture. 

Suddenly, a voice yelled, "What the hell is happening here?!" We pulled away quickly and faced the door, where a fuming Emma stood. Her face betrayed all her emotions: anger, sadness, betrayal, hurt. It hurt me to see my baby girl in so much emotional pain. She marched into the room and stared all of us down. Her stare was powerful enough to bring the strongest men to their knees. If looks could kill, Adrien, Hugo, Louis and I would already be five feet deep. For sure.

Adrien was the first to recover from the shock and put his hands on his waist. His brows furrowed and he demanded, "Where have you been Emma? You didn't tell us that you were going out today." She glared at Adrien and snapped back, "I was with Alyssa, Alan and Kace eating Andre's ice cream. And it's none of your business anyways." Adrien growled, raising his fist, "None of our business?! We're your parents! Of course it's our business!" "Well, you sure haven't been acting like it!" Emma retorted, equally as angry.

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