Chapter 12

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 12 of Book 1: New Revelations. I am loving this book!🙃🙃🙃 Tell me how much you like it in the comments section below. 👇👇👇 Better yet. Vote for the chapters that you like best! Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Alan's POV

"You ok dude? You look kinda out of it today." Kace asked me, eyebrows furrowed in concern. I smiled weakly and nodded, then said, "I'm fine. No need to worry about me."

That was farther from the truth.

I was still shaken from last night.

Last night

"Hey Alan." Chat Noir said while smiling at me while I stood there, staring at me in shock. I managed to stutter, "H-How do y-you know my n-name?! And w-why are you h-here?!"

Chat Noir chuckled at my surprise and replied, "Answer to your first question, I know you Alan. Answer to your second question, I'm going to blow your mind." I titled my head, furrowing my brows in confusion. Chat Noir smiled and said, "Plagg, claws in."

A bright green light filled the room as I covered my eyes with my hand. When the light dimmed, instead of Chat Noir, Adrien Agreste was standing in my room, hands in his pockets and a smirk on his face.

I took a step back in shock and exclaimed, "Mr Agreste?! You're Chat Noir?!" He nodded and said, "Surprise." I pointed my finger at him and muttered, "You are Chat Noir. Adrien Agreste is Chat Noir. A famous model is Chat Noir. My dad's best friend is Chat Noir."

Mr Agreste nodded and smiled, patting my shoulder and saying, "How've you been Alan?" I muttered, "Great, great." I shook my head and stared at him in shock. I asked, "Mr Agreste? What are you doing here? And what is that?!" My eyes widened in shock as I glanced behind him and found a giant flying thing.

Mr Agreste looked behind him and laughed when he saw the creature. He replied, "Oh that? That's Plagg. He's my kwami. A kwami is the thing that gives Ladybug and me our powers." Plagg waved and smiled. I waved back meekly.

Mr Agreste continued, "I'm sure you know how Ladybug and I have revealed our identities." I nodded and replied, "Yeah. Mom was there. She told me all about it." He nodded and replied, "Well, we need a new Ladybug and Chat Noir. We already have a Ladybug. Now we need a Chat Noir."

Mr Agreste took off his ring and gave it to me. I gasped in shock as he said, "And I want the Chat Noir to be you." He took my hand and placed the ring in my palm.

I stared at the ring, cold against my palm. I closed my hand around the ring and said, "I'll do it." Mr Agreste said, "Now I know you'll have some doubts about being-wait, what?!" He stared at me in shock. I nodded and said, "I'll do it. I'll be the next Chat Noir."

I could understand his shock. Not everyone would be willing to risk their lives being a superhero. Especially not so quickly. But I wanted-no, needed to do this. For a while now, I've been trying to find my thing. The thing that I do. Everyone has it. Sure, I've always wanted to do modeling, but... I just don't know anymore. Maybe being Chat Noir will help me figure it out.

Adrien rubbed the back of his neck and said, "Well... uh... ok then. Plagg will explain everything to you when I give you the ring." I passed the ring back to Mr Agreste and he put it back on his finger. He transformed and winked at me. He said, "I'll see you again soon, Alan."

With that, Chat Noir jumped out of the window, back into the night, as I climbed back into bed.

Present time

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