Chapter 25

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 25 of Book 1: New Revelations! School's been great so far. The orientation was pretty fun. Lucky for me, one of my best friends is in the same class as me! So I'm not all alone! \(*\)) I made a couple new friends, so that's good. 😄

Another thing, I want to change something. Alan models for the Agreste Company. It might not matter right now, but it just makes things easier. K? Thanks. Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Emma's POV

"Emma! Wait up! Come on! I really didn't mean it!" Alyssa called out, running after me.

I ignored her and picked up the pace. There's no way I could talk to her after that huge stunt she pulled yesterday. What in the world was she thinking, anyways?!

"Come on, Emma! Please forgive me! I swear, I was only trying to help you!" Alyssa pleaded, clasping her hands together. She was practically begging at this point. I huffed and turned away from her, and headed towards the back of the school. This had been going on for at least 10 minutes by now. I'd rather not be embarrassed by Alyssa in front of the entire school.

"You're being stubborn, Emma. You like Alan, anyways. So what if you were caught on camera together? Isn't that a dream come true for you?"

My whole body froze with shock. I turned around slowly, coming face-to-face with Alyssa. A smirk was plastered onto her face. She knew exactly what she was saying to me right now. I stomped back to her and whispered harshly, "Alyssa! What the hell do you think you're doing?! What if someone hears you?!" I glanced around quickly, taking a quick sweep of the area. After confirming that no one was near, I slumped onto the stairs and cradled my head in my arms. That was way too close for comfort...

Alyssa sat down next to me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. "I know. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." I let out a heavy sigh. This morning has been nothing but hectic. Leaving the house an hour earlier than usual didn't stop the various fans and paparazzi from chasing the limousine across Paris. I barely even managed to sneak into the school unnoticed. Proof of that was Alyssa.

"Why would you even do that? Do you know how much trouble you got me into?" I groaned, nudging Alyssa with my shoulder. "None. Because your parents are the nicest people in the whole entire world. They probably just told you never to do that again, am I right?" Alyssa replied, nudging me back. I didn't want to admit it, but Alyssa was right. After a long lecture about how dangerous it was, I was let off the hook. I'm still kind of surprised at how easily Mom and Dad both took it.

"Enough about yesterday. I've got great news for you, Emma!" Alyssa exclaimed, jumping out of her seat, her eyes gleaming with excitement. Now, there were many things that could make Alyssa this excited. The possibilities were virtually endless. Most of which, however... weren't exactly pleasant. And after the stunt she pulled yesterday, I couldn't even begin to imagine what had caught her attention this time. Needless to say, I didn't share Alyssa's enthusiasm.

"All right... " I replied warily, "What is it?" Alyssa let out a devious chuckled, before pulling a piece of paper out of her pocket and shoving it in my face. "Look at this, Emma! Isn't this amazing?! It is, right?! Right?!" Alyssa rambled, jumping up and down. "Alyssa! Calm down! I can't see anything if you put it so close to my face!" I exclaimed, snatching the paper out of Alyssa's hands.

Letting out a small sigh, I straightened the piece of paper in my lap and examined it. It was a poster for the school dance 2 weeks later. Why would Alyssa give me this? What would I even need it for?

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