Chapter 16

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. I guess I haven't been updating as often as I used to, huh? 😅 Guess I've been spending a lot of my free time watching anime. Oh, yah. That reminds me. Go watch Hyouka and Maid Sama. They're both really good animes. If anyone has any other anime that they think is nice, let me know in the comments section below. I would love to watch them. I NEED MORE ANIME!!! Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Emma's POV

"Mom! We're home!" I called out as I stepped through the front doors, Hugo and Louis close behind. Chimp had picked the three of us up after school and brought us straight home. People on the streets were constantly pointing at the limousine as we drove home. It was getting a little annoying. I wouldn't be surprised if tons of paparazzi appear out of nowhere at school and start asking questions.

"In the living room, Emma!" came Mom's reply. Hugo, Louis and I stumbled to the living room and plopped down on the couch. I sighed and Mom looked up from her laptop, still typing away. She smiled at me and asked, "What's wrong Emma?" I sighed again and replied tiredly, "It's everyone at school."

Mom tilted her head and questioned, "Everyone at school? What happened?" Hugo looked at me warily and asked, "You too, huh?" I nodded. Mom repeated, "Hugo? Louis? What happened?" I replied without looking at her, "Everyone at school was going crazy. In the morning, when I first arrived at school, everyone was staring at me, completely quiet. Then Alyssa showed up and everyone started chasing me all over the school! Then Mr Damocles showed up and he smiled! Mom! He even smiled! It was crazy." Hugo nodded and added, "Same here. My classmates wouldn't stop staring at me. Oh, right. They also wanted me to give this to you and Dad."

After digging around in his backpack, Hugo pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to Mom while saying, "It's a bunch of messages. I'm serious, people are seriously going crazy over this Ladybug and Chat Noir thing." I remembered my own list of messages and gave it to Mom too. Mom scanned both pieces of paper and smiled. She looked up at us and replied, "It was a nice gesture though. You're right about it being crazy. I opened the mailbox and found that."

Pointing to the other end of the living room, Mom laughed weakly. We followed her finger and saw a pile of envelopes just sitting there, unopened. The feeling was mutual between Hugo, Louis and me.

How did we not notice it before now?!

I walked over cautiously and picked up envelope after envelope, seeing who had sent them. Mom said, "I wanted to wait until your father was home before opening any of them, since they're for Ladybug and Chat Noir." I picked an envelope up and saw that it was from Aunty Alix and Uncle Kim. I turned around to face Mom and waved it around while saying, "This is from your old classmates, Mr and Mrs Chien Le. They were there at the reveal, you know? With Kace." 

Mom raised her eyebrows and went back to typing away at her computer. She mumbled in reply, "Oh. I didn't see them there." I sighed and smiled. Whenever Mom starts to work, she's so focused on it that she doesn't notice anything happening around her. I stood up and went back to the couch, plopping myself down on it. I turned my head to face Louis and asked, "How was your day Louis? As crazy as ours?" 

Louis shook his head and replied, "Nope. It was a normal day. Though the teachers gave me more ice cream today!" The smile on Louis' face grew. I smiled and shook my head. I should've expected this. It was typical of a bunch of 5 year olds. I bet they didn't even stay up last night to watch the reveal. The only reason Louis did was because Mom and Dad were Ladybug and Chat Noir, and I was the new Ladybug. 

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