Chapter 8

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 8 of Book 1: New Revelations! Thanks for 126 reads guys!!! 😀😀😀 It means so much to me! You have no idea. Btw shoutout to blazingdiamond (or whatever her username is now)!!! She's my sis, go check her out. (You better be reading this little sis!) Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Emma's POV

I was still mad at Mom, Dad, Hugo and Louis as I went to school. Hugo and Louis had begun taking the limousine again but I refused to go with them. I will not be sitting next to traitors. Alyssa came rushing at me out of nowhere, as usual, and tackled me in a hug. "Hey Emma!" I smiled. Seeing my best friend always made me feel better.

She pulled away and studied my face for a while, her hands on my shoulders. She asked, "Are you feeling ok Emma? You seem kinda out of it today." That was no surprise. I had been up all night. Besides, Alyssa could always read me like an open book. I could never hide anything from her.

I smiled weakly and replied, "Yeah. Just a little tired." Alyssa smirked at me and whispered with a smirk, "Up all night thinking about Alan?" I blushed a deep red. That couldn't be further from the truth, but I couldn't tell Alyssa what I was really doing, so I glared at her and said, "Alyssa!" She laughed and replied, "Ok, ok. Come on. Let's go to class."

We walked into class, only to find Kace and Alan already in their seats. When they saw us come in, Alan smiled and waved.

Alan waved at me!

Emma, get yourself together! Now is not the time!

I waved back and Alyssa and I went to our seats. I took out my drawing book and was about to start designing something new when Alyssa turned to me and whipped my face with her hair. I yelped in surprise, "Hey! Alyssa!" She smiled sheepishly and replied, "Sorry Emma." Then her eyes lit up with excitement and she was practically bouncing up and down in her seat. She said, "Emma, I just remembered. I-" "Alright class. Settle down please. Class is starting now." Ms Bustier suddenly interrupted as she walked into class. Alyssa groaned and whispered so only I could hear, "No! Not now Ms Bustier!" I giggled and patted my friend on the shoulder, "consoling" her. I said, "After school, ok?" Alyssa nodded grudgingly and took out her books as well. 

I wonder what she was going to say?

After school

Alyssa pulled me out of the classroom the minute the bell rang, barely leaving enough time for me to pack my bag. Alyssa stopped at the stairs leading to the school, her sudden stop making me lose my balance and fall flat on my face. I groaned. This was just what I needed. Alyssa quickly helped me up and said, "Sorry girl. But anyway, I suddenly remembered something! Alan's birthday is next Monday!"

I stared at her with a blank look, waiting for her to elaborate, but she never did. I said, "And...?" She looked at me like I was crazy and exclaimed, "And?! Now's your perfect chance to get him a gift! You like designing right? Design something for him! An Emma Agreste original. It's going to be perfect!"

My face flushed at the thought of giving Alan a gift. I rubbed the back of my neck and stuttered, "W-Well, I suppose I c-could make something in t-time for-" "Perfect! Now go home and design something for Alan! It has to be incredible! Quickly! The clock is ticking!" Alyssa interrupted while pointing in the direction of the Agreste Mansion.

I smiled at my friends bossiness and said as seriously as I could manage, "Yes ma'am." We both burst into a fit of laughter. This was why I loved my best friend. She could always make my day better. I waved goodbye to her as I dashed off in the direction of my house. I couldn't wait to get started. 

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