Chapter 15

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 15 of Book 1: New Revelations! I seriously have no inspiration right now.... 😥 Doesn't matter! I'll try to write this chapter. But don't blame me if it turns out kinda crappy. uwu Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Emma's POV

The silence was definitely unnerving. 

The moment I stepped out of the limousine, the entire courtyard went silent. Everyone's eyes were fixated on me. I looked at them warily. I could feel Tikki pressed against my pants leg and found comfort in the fact that she would always be there. I took a few steps forward, heading towards the school. Everyone's eyes followed me as I walked. This was getting a bit creepy. Freaky, too. The courtyard is never this silent. There would always be someone talking or eating or doing something. But not today, apparently.

I stopped and looked around the courtyard, trying to spot Alyssa. Usually, she would greet me the moment I step out of the limousine. I half expected her to come out of nowhere and tackle me. But not today, too, apparently. 

I stood there, feeling more self-conscious with each passing second. I had a feeling why everyone was staring at me. I knew this was coming the second I arrived home last night. 

Last night

"Tikki, spots off." 

I landed in my room as I detransformed into Emma. Tikki floated beside me, a small smile on her face. I tossed her a chocolate chip cookie and said, "Eat up. You're going to need your energy." Tikki put the entire cookie into her mouth, nearly swallowing it whole. 

I stumbled over to my bed, not bothering to change into pajamas. I collapsed onto it and sighed. Tikki floated over to me and asked, "What's wrong Emma?" I shook my head and replied, "Nothing, nothing. I'm just tired. I need to go to sleep. Tomorrow I still need to go to school, unfortunately." Tikki giggled and commented, "Everyone's going to be bombarding you with questions tomorrow too. Chasing after you for autographs." I groaned with frustration as Tikki said that. I didn't even think of that!

I shook my head one more time and crawled under the covers. "Goodnight Tikki." I breathed. Before long, I felt myself slip into unconsciousness.

Present time

Even though their reactions weren't exactly as Tikki said, it was just as annoying. I could feel their stares pierce into me. I walked up to the school's front doors and turned around, sweeping my gaze across the courtyard one last time. It was surprising, really. For one, Alyssa still wasn't here to greet me. For another, no one had spoken since I came. I really expected at least one person to come ask me about Mom and Dad. Or ask me to get their autograph for them. Oh well.

Just as I was about to walk into the building, I heard a shout. "WAIT! EMMA!" It cut through the silence of the courtyard like a knife through butter. I whipped around, shocked by the sound. Everyone's eyes stopped following me and stared in the opposite direction, where the sound had come from. 

Alyssa was panting, her hands resting on her knees, hunched over. Alan was standing beside her, looking at Alyssa, bag hanging off one shoulder and hands in pockets. Alyssa steadied her breathing and ran over to me, slowing down as she reached the steps and finally stopping on the last step. Alan and everyone else in the courtyard looked at the two of us. She asked, "Emma? Is it true? Your parents are Ladybug and Chat Noir?!" I smiled weakly, then nodded.

That was when the entire courtyard went crazy.

Alan's POV

The entire courtyard was completely silent.

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