Chapter 19

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 19 of Book 1: New Revelations! Just realized I still have a week before I fly off. 😅 Expect one or two more chapters before a long break. Btw, how long do you guys want this book to be? Let me know in the comments section below. Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Emma's POV

Lexi Rossi? 

Lexi Rossi?!



Before Ms Bustier could continue, I raised my hand and asked, "Excuse me, but Rossi? As in Lila Rossi?" Murmurs were heard throughout the classroom. Guess other people have made that connection as well. Lexi nodded and replied, "Yup. My mom is Lila Rossi. She's a famous Italian model. We moved back to Paris a while ago because someone offered Mom a huge modeling gig here."

My eyes widened in surprise as my suspicions were confirmed. Mom and Dad's other nemesis: Lila Rossi. She was a total liar. And the worst part? Everyone in Mom and Dad's class believed her! Except Mom and Dad, of course. Dad believed her for a while, before Mom, or rather, Ladybug, showed him the truth. What is her daughter doing in my class?!

Ms Bustier cleared her throat and continued, "Yes. Now, Lexi has something called Tinnitus. There's a roaring sound in her left ear. Isn't that right Lexi?" Lexi nodded, lowering her head slightly. I could feel people's hearts going out to her already. Don't tell me they actually believe this bullshit?! Alyssa tapped my shoulder and whispered, "She's just like her Mom. Lila Rossi has Tinnitus too. Mom told me all about her." My spirits lifted a little when I heard that. "What did your mom say?" I whispered back. Alyssa shrugged and replied, "Something about her being super nice, but your mom being super jealous of her or something. Your mom got over it though."

And back down my spirits go. I can't believe it! Not Alyssa too! Though I guess I shouldn't have expected much. Aunty Alya believed Lila Rossi too. I shook my head and questioned, "Alyssa, don't tell me you actually believe Lexi. She's clearly lying!" Alyssa raised her eyebrows and fired back, "Really? Do you have any proof?" I rolled my eyes and replied, "Oh come on. Don't 'Do you have any proof?' me." Alyssa shook her head and said, "A good journalists always finds proof." I sighed and muttered, "Fine. I'll find proof that she's lying. One way or another."

Ms Bustier cleared her throat and continued, "Now then, I need someone to show her around. Any volunteers?" Almost everyone in the class raised their hand. Almost. I didn't raise my hand, for one. I could feel Alyssa's questioning gaze but I ignored it. I guess she was confused, since I would usually help anyone that needed it. But I refuse to give help to a freaking liar. 

Also, Alan had his hand partially raised, bringing it up and down, like he was doubting whether he should volunteer or not. I smiled satisfactorily to myself. Clearly Alan didn't trust Lexi too. At least I have someone on my side. And it's ALAN! Lexi placed her hands over her heart and breathed, "Oh my god! Thank you so much everyone! It's been hard for me to move to Paris since I don't know anyone, but you guys are making it so much better." 

I rolled my eyes at Lexi's words. It was totally fake! Sugar was laced with every word. It made me sick. Lexi is just as manipulative as her mother, milking all the sympathy they can from easily-tricked people. 

Ms Bustier chuckled and said, "Alright then. Since everyone is so eager to bring Lexi around, which I'm very grateful for, how about the entire class bring her around? Lexi, try to get to know them better while they're bringing you around, ok? Now, sit down and we can start the lesson." I groaned inwardly when I heard what Ms Bustier said. The last thing I wanted to do was take Lexi around. I tried to keep an open mind though, like I did with Chat Noir. He turned out to be a pretty cool guy. Lexi might be a pretty cool girl too. She might not be lying, after all. But I highly doubt it. 

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