Chapter 18

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 18 of Book 1: New Revelations! I've decided that I have a little time before I take off, so here I am! Writing a new chapter for you guys. Yay! This one is gonna be a little short (At least, I think it will be.) so don't be too disappointed. Now, without further ado, enjoy. 


It has been three months since Emma and Alan became Ladybug and Chat Noir.

Life has been good for the two superheroes.

Other than a couple of minor akumas, everything has been peaceful.

As expected, Hawkmoth's predictions did not come true.

Everyone believed in Marinette and Adrien wholeheartedly and knew that they would choose people who were capable in saving them. 

Slowly, the new Ladybug and Chat Noir gained the trust of the people of Paris.

Emma's crush on Alan grew by the day, as did Chat Noir's crush on Ladybug.

Everyone was happy. Nothing was wrong.


Emma's POV


The red sparkles flew over the city as I helped the previously akumatized victim up. The woman smiled at me and said, "Thank you Ladybug, Chat Noir." I smiled back and replied, "No problem. Stay safe!" The woman nodded and ran off. I turned to Chat Noir and said, "Come on Chat." I swung in the direction of the Eiffel Tower, Chat Noir bounding along behind me. 

I landed on the Eiffel Tower and looked out over the city one last time. Chat Noir landed beside me and said, "That was a pretty ridiculous akuma, wasn't it M'lady? I mean, a bad hair day? Everyone gets them." I chuckled and replied, "You say that now. You should've seen your face when she struck you. It was priceless." Chat huffed and stood beside me, causing me to break out in a fit of giggles. 

"Oh come on M'lady. I couldn't have been that funny!" Chat whined. His protests only made me laugh harder and soon, I was clutching my stomach, tears in my eyes from laughing so hard. Chat pouted as I straightened, before giving me a Cheshire cat grin. We heard the Conciergerie clock struck eight. My eyes widened as I suddenly remembered that I had to go to school. I was going to be late! I grasped my yo-yo in my hand and turned to swing away. "Sorry Chat Noir. I gotta go. See you next week." 

Just as I was going to swing away, I felt a hand grab my wrist, preventing me from doing so. I groaned inwardly. I knew what Chat was going to say before he even said it. I didn't have time to deal with this. I turned around and sighed, then said, "No Chat. I've said this before and I'll say it again. We can't tell each other our identities." "But why not? It'll just be the two of us. I won't tell anyone else. I promise." Chat pleaded, desperation in his eyes. Chat had asked me this many times before and my answer has always be the same. 

I shook my head and replied, "No kitty. Remember what happened to me-Emma Agreste. No one knew that her parents were Ladybug and Chat Noir, yet she was still targeted. Hawkmoth must've found out already. We can't risk that happening again. I'm sorry." I berated myself for that mix-up. I had to be more careful. If not, Chat Noir would know my identity even if I didn't tell him. Chat Noir nodded and let me go, a despondent look on his face. I sighed. I didn't like seeing my partner this sad. "One day, Chat Noir. Maybe." Chat's eyes widened as what I said sunk in. I smiled and called out, "Bug out!"

I raced across the rooftops towards College Francoise Dupont. I've been very lucky to make it to school on time. Dad always said that Mom was almost always late to school. This might be the first time that I'm late. I jumped down from the roof of College Francoise Dupont and detransformed just as my feet landed on the ground. I quickly ran up the stairs and squeezed past the grounds keeper, who was just closing the doors. "Sorry!" I called back to him.

I sneaked into the classroom and sat down, breathing a sigh of relief. Made it. "Just in the nick of time girl." Alyssa commented as the bell rang. I smiled at her and took my books out of my bag. Ms Bustier turned around and began, "Alright everyone. Now-" "Sorry I'm late Ms Bustier. I had a photoshoot." Alan interrupted as he walked through the door. "That's ok Alan. Sit down and take out your books." 

I glanced at Alyssa with raised eyebrows. She shrugged and whispered, "Apparently, the agency wanted Alan to do the photoshoot while the sun was rising for 'effect'. Something like that. He left a note on his table for Mom and Dad." 

Hmm. Strange. I turned my attention back to Ms Bustier as she continued, "Now, we have another transfer student joining us today. I want you all to treat her with kindness." Murmuring was heard throughout the classroom. Who would transfer in the middle of the year? I glanced at Alyssa. She was wearing the same confused expression I was. We shrugged in unison. None of us had a clue as to what was happening right now.

A girl walked into the room. She had light brown hair and light green eyes. Intelligence gleamed in her eyes and I became instantly wary of her. I didn't trust her for some reason. I couldn't place it. She gave me the impression of a fox: sharp, sly and smart.

"This is Lexi Rossi."


The liar is back! Run for your lives!

Hey guys, hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 1 of New Revelations. I'm proud of myself. I wrote 2 chapters in one day! (Even though the second one is a little short.) Appreciate it people! I got my lazy bum up and wrote this!

The other chapter of this book should be coming out soon, so be on the lookout for them!

Remember to comment, vote and follow me on Wattpad, and I'll see you guys again soon!



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