Chapter 4

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Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 4 of Book 1: New Revelations! TYSM for 32 reads! This really means a lot to me. Ik 32 is kinda little compared to other writers, but baby steps. You guys have been showing me so much support and I just really want to thank you all. Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Emma's POV

I turned to my brothers and said, "Come on. Let's go to Grandpa Tom and Grandma Sabine's bakery to dry off first. Then we can all go home." They nodded and we walked to the bakery. It wasn't very far away. After Mom and Dad got married and had me, Grandpa Tom and Grandma Sabine moved closer to them so that they could look after me when they were at photoshoots and stuff. (So the bakery isn't beside College Francoise Dupont anymore. Sorry for any confusion caused.)

We walked quickly, not wanting to be anymore soaked than we already were. The rain was starting to let up but it was still pretty thundery when we got to the bakery. I knocked on the door and stood there with Hugo and Louis, waiting for either Grandpa Tom or Grandma Sabine to let us in.

After a while, there was still no one at the door and we were starting to get a little impatient. Standing outside in the rain, cold to the bone and shivering like hell is no fun, believe me. Then, I remembered that they always kept a spare key under the floor mat in case Mom ever forgot to take her keys with her and was locked out.

I passed the umbrella to Hugo, then knelt down to feel under the floor mat. After feeling around for a while, my hand grabbed a cool piece of metal. Bingo! The key! I pulled it out and quickly unlocked the door. I ushered my brothers in and slammed the door closed behind me. I said with a smile, "Phew! Glad we're out of that storm." Hugo and Louis nodded.

I instructed, "Hugo, go take some pastries for the three of us. There's gotta be some lying around somewhere. Louis, go upstairs and try to find Grandpa Tom and Grandma Sabine. We need to talk to them." They both nodded and I went to find some towels for us to use. I climbed the stairs until I reached the attic, which was formerly Mom's bedroom. The furniture was all still there. There were a few rectangular boxes of wall which were a lighter shade of pink than the rest of the room. That was probably where Mom hung all of Dad's pictures when she was younger. I walked over to her closet and opened it. There was nothing inside. Except for a weird necklace. There was a pink thing in the middle of the string. It looked kind of like a dinosaur tooth with a hole in it. Weird. I took the necklace and put it in my bag.

I walked over to Mom's desk. There were still scraps of paper on it from when Mom still lived here. Some were random drawings of different designs for clothes. Most were doodles of Dad with a ton of hearts around them. I gagged inwardly. Mom was crushing on Dad bad. I pulled the blanket off of Mom's bed and took a few pillows too. Then I walked back down the stairs to the living room.

Louis was already there with a bunch of towels on his lap. When he saw me, he said, "Hey Emma. I didn't find Grandpa Tom or Grandma Sabine anywhere. But I did find a bunch of towels." I smiled and said, "Thanks Louis." I put all of the things that I had found on the couch. then I took a towel and wrapped it around my waist. I grabbed another towel and started toweling Louis' hair. I didn't want him to get sick.

Just then, Hugo came into the room with macaroons and croissants piled high on a big silver plate. Louis grabbed a macaroon greedily and stuffed the entire thing in his mouth. I handed Hugo a towel and he started drying himself off. Hugo asked, "So Emma, how long are we going to stay here. We have to go back home eventually." Unfortunately. I frowned and said, "Well, I guess we can go once we finish drying off and eating."

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