December 3- Curveball (3)

184 9 5

N How old are you?
I'm 18, Thad's 19

16 I'm a junior in hs
but I can't wait to

N So things are pretty
tough with your

To put it lightly. My
mom would probably
learn to be fine with
it but my dad is stuck
in his views

T Dude saaaammme
when i told my family
i was ace they flipped
their shit like once
they knew it meant i
wasnt gonna have
kids they kicked me

I'm sorry that's awful

I think my dad would
definitely kick me

T Dont be sorry its probably
the best thing to happen
to me tbh

T Nick and i never would
have met if it didn't happen

Nick how did your family
feel about you coming out?

N I mean Aaron (my sibling)
had already come out as
genderqueer and pansexual
(to which my dad made a
joke that they were definitely
queer alright) so it wasn't a
super big deal to them or me
bc I knew they'd be fine with
it and my brother Jack was
chill with it too

Was Aaron the one with
you at the game?

N Nah that was Jack, he took
me because we both like
baseball and he wanted to
spend some time with me

N We actually tease him a lot
about being the one straight

Man your family sounds
really cool

N They are I'm really lucky

T Wait Blaine where do you

T Like the state

Ohio, why

T Dude we're in Pennsylvania

T We could like

T Drive there

N I'm sorry about him

T no like actually we're a
lot closer than i thought like
holy shit

T What city




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