December 22- Ouch (2)

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"Oh my lord, are you okay?"

David blinked his eyes open to a beautiful and worried face hovering over him. "Did I die?" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"No- no, you didn't die, why?"

"'Cause you look like a friggin' angel."

"Do you think he has a concussion?" he heard the boy ask someone else.

"I think we know why he froze up." A hand was waved in his vision. "Earth to whatever-your-name-is."

David pushed himself up. "I don't think I have a concussion. I hope not. Remind me again what happened?"

"You were up to bat and you didn't swing at the ball, so it hit you in the face," a hispanic boy informed him. He realized the other boy that he had called an angel was the pitcher.

"Is that why my nose hurts?" he asked.

The pitcher put a hand over his mouth. "Oh, I didn't even think of that, I probably broke your nose, didn't I? It was bleeding but it stopped. It's still really red."

"Don't worry about it," David said, not because he didn't think it was broken, but because he didn't like the distressed look on the boy's face. "I'll be fine. I, um, I'm David."

"I'm Thad," the other boy returned, nodding to the pitcher, "this is Wes. Since the game only started and nobody had scored, they called it off. Your teammates are pretty worried about you."

He frowned. "They shouldn't have done that, my team is perfectly fine without me."

"Well, I for one couldn't focus without knowing you're okay," Wes said. "I've been pitching a long time and I've never hit someone in the face before."

"And I haven't gotten hit in the face before."

"See, this is why I don't play sports," Thad said, helping David up from the ground. "I'm too beautiful to get a baseball to the face."

Wes laughed, rolling his eyes. "Oh, please."

[Happy Hanukkah/Chanukah to those who celebrate today!]

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