December 31- Please Don't Tell (8)

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The news about what had happened spread fast. Blaine was clearly mortified, and he wasn't too well-liked among his peers anymore.

Zoey auditioned and was accepted to the Warblers with arms open wide. A few boys quit, but the rest who had agreed with Blaine kept their mouths shut.

The news that spread even faster, however, was the news about Wes. It spread like wildfire, and everyone had an opinion on it. Jeff was more cheerful than usual, proud of them for coming out.

Wes was talking to David when a particularly brave boy approached them.

"Oh, hel–"

"When are you resigning?" he asked bluntly.

Wes blinked. "Pardon?"

"When are you resigning?" he repeated. "I need to know when I should audition."

"Oh, I'm afraid I'm not resigning. But you can apply to audition whenever–"

"You're not?" He looked irritated. "Why?"

"Well, why would I resign?"

"You can't lead the Warblers and not be a guy, it's unheard of."

They smiled pleasantly. "A lot of things are 'unheard of.' It just means they haven't happened yet."

"Ugh. Fucking smartass faggot," the boy said distastefully.

And David was in between the two, pushing Wes behind him protectively. "The fuck did you just call them?"

"I said that he's a smartass, confused faggot," he repeated. "What are you going to do about it?"

It didn't matter to Wes what slurs he threw around- the part that hurt the most was his tone when he said 'he.'

Wes set their hand on David's arm. "Don't," they said quietly.

David turned around. "Wes, he- YOU LITTLE FUCK!"

As soon as David had turned his back to him, the boy punched Wes in the stomach and ran.

Well, tried to run. He was a lot better at punching than getting away.

David caught him, pinning his arms behind his back, not bothering to be too gentle. "And where the fuck do you think you're going?" he growled.

"I heard som- Oh my god, Wes, are you okay?" Nick, who had come to investigate, ran over to Wes.

They nodded, letting Nick help them up. "I'm fine."

"Look, he's fine. Now let me go," the boy said.

"I don't think so," David said. "We're going to take a little trip to the Dean's office."

Nick wrapped an arm around Wes. "I'll help you to the nurse, we should get you an icepack since that'll definitely bruise."

They nodded, and the two groups went their separate ways.

"Did Jeff tell you?" Wes asked. "That I'm nonbinary?"

He chuckled. "No, but I accidentally told him I already knew. I was outside his dorm when he figured it out. He sounded ecstatic at first, he said 'finally, I figured it out,' then realized that someone who was nonbinary wasn't a boy or girl and couldn't be called a boyfriend. Then he swore and said it made things a lot more complicated."

"You thought he was talking about himself," he realized.

Nick blushed. "Yeah. He asked me what I'd think if one of our friends came out as not-a-guy, and I told him that of course I'd support them and I'd be fine with them staying at Dalton. That I love him and our friends for their souls, not genders. Later it was brought up and I said 'nonbinary' and he pointed out that he hadn't used that term. I told him no, he hadn't, but we both knew it was what he meant. He said he didn't want 'them' to hate him if he said something. I thought he was using a plural, talking about the others, but he was talking about you."

Wes laughed. "It's a bit confusing for me, too. I'm still adjusting to the change, because it definitely feels right but for now it's a bit awkward after being called 'him' all my life. Does he know you thought it was him?"

"Nope. I think I'd like to keep it that way, it's pretty embarrassing."

"My lips are sealed," Wes promised.

Jeff came rushing up to them. "I just ran into David, Wes, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Jeff, don't worry."

He nodded, calming down. "Good. What are you guys talking about?"

Nick and Wes shared a look.

"Nothing," they said at the same time.

(A/N: Happy New Years Eve to those who celebrate today!)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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