December 9- How They Met (1)

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When Sophia came back with the news, her family was surprised but happy for her.

Except her brother.

"You're pregnant? You're in college!"

"I like him, he's funny," she defended.

"Sophia, if he's funny, laugh!"

She knew Jeff cared about her, they all did. He was just worried about her in his own anxious way.

"Invite him over for dinner," Mrs. Sterling said. "We can meet him."


They did. His name was Hayden Duval, and everyone except Jeff immediately took a liking to him.

"So, Hayden, do you have any siblings?" Mrs. Sterling asked him.

"I do, actually. I have a brother, James. He's older than me, already graduated college. I also have a half brother."

"A half brother?" Kayla asked.

He nodded, wrinkling his nose. "Yeah. Wish I didn't. He came along and ruined our parents' marriage, dad left so it's just us and mom."

Allie looked curious. "How'd you know he's your half brother?"

"To put it simply, both my parents are white. He isn't."

"And you wish he didn't exist?" Jeff asked. There was a challenge in his voice.

"Everyone in my family does. As if he wasn't annoying enough, he decided to be a fag-"

"Get out." She said it as soon as the word started to leave his mouth.

He looked shocked. "What?"

Sophia stood up, pointing at the door. "I said get out of my house!"

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