Chapter 10

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Jack's POV:

I'm so lost right now. Pitch has made his first appearance without even actually appearing!

Oh, and I clearly don't know these people as well as I thought. Punz just caught on to Pitch's act and slammed Hic in the face with a frying pan. A frying pan! Now, Hic is waking up.

"You ok?" I ask him in concern.

He groans and replies, "I'm fine. Don't worry about me-" he tries to stand up, but falls over instead.

Merida and I exchange glances as Punz helps him up.

"A little help here?" She grunts. We step over and help her lift Hiccup up onto the bed.

So, what do you remember?" I ask.

"It felt like I was trapped in a jail. I could see my actions, but I couldn't control them. I did sorta feel Pitch's plan, though. I don't know how, but I did."

"How'd you know?" He asks Punz, rubbing his head.

"Toothless told me." Merida and I look at her like she's crazy, but Hic nods like that's normal.

"Do I even have to ask?" I say sarcastically.

"Toothless can communicate telepathically," they both tell me sourly at the exact same time. I'm taken aback, but Merida just shakes her head.

"Let them beh crazy." She walks out of the door, and I follow.

Rapunzel's POV:

I shake my head and sigh. Those two don't exactly have the right to call us crazy.

Flying Frost boy who loves snowball fights and Curly redhead who randomly shoots people with arrows.

They're way crazier than us.

"Could you please help me to sit up?" Hiccup croaks, obviously trying- and failing- to get up again.

I sigh and grab his left elbow to help and pull him up. At least he isn't terribly heavy.

"So, what was that stuff that you were mumbling to us earlier? I mean, shiny could be absolutely anything," I ask Hiccup after he's sat up.

"I can't exactly remember," he says slowly. Great. "But I do know that he found something."

"What do you mean, he found something?" I ask incredulously. He shrugs and closes his eyes tight in an attempt to remember.

"Something very helpful, expensive, maybe? It- they were shiny." He opens his eyes and looks up at me, clearly tired.

"Did that help?" He asks hopefully. I sit down next to him and furrow my eyebrows.

Pascal climbs out of my hair and we converse a little while Hiccup waits. Finally, we look up at him.

"Was it one thing, or lots of things?" I ask him. He sighs and tries to concentrate again.

"It was like one thing that had lots of, lots of pieces, or uses, or something like that," he tries. I nod and pat him on the back.

"It is sooo much easier to concentrate without Jack and Merida," I say with a sigh, flopping backward into the bed.

"I have to agree," he confesses, "Even though I enjoy Merida's company."

It's like he flipped a lightswitch in my head when he said that. "Oh you do, huh?" I ask him, giving him the, 'tell me more' stare.

He groans and complains, "Why, oh why did I just have to let that slip? At least it's you and not Jack." I giggle at that thought.

"Soo, you like her?" I ask, putting my face in my hands and waiting for him to spill.

"Well, she's pretty, and a really good shot..." He starts, but he trails off.

"Go on," I nudge.

"Ok, ok! I like her! Now leave me alone," he moans. I jump up and squeal in victory.

Toothless looks just as amused as me and Pascal.

"Hiccup and Merida, sitting in a tree..." I start, but he cuts me off with a death glare.

"Say one word about this to anyone, and I promise that your hair will not be brushable the next day," he threatens.

I just keep on giggling. He is probably the least threatening person I've ever met: even I'm scarier than him.

Just as I finishing my gloating, Jack pokes his head in.

"You learned anything from the prisoner yet?" He asks me with a smirk.

Hiccup shifts his glare from me to Jack. Jack puts up his hands in defense and steps back.

"Ok, ok. Prisoner is a strong word. How about, RPP? Recently Possessed Person?" He jokes, stifling snickers.

I put my hand over my mouth in an effort to stifle my own laughter, but I fail miserably.

Hiccup heard my laughter and starts glaring at both of us.

"C'mon, ya wee lambs! I'm gettin' bored!" Merida exclaims, walking in. Hiccup's glare is immediately replaced by a sweet smile.

"Hi Merida," he squeaks. I again try to hide my laughter, succeeding a little more than last time.

Jack's face is priceless. He covers his mouth and points an accusing finger at Hiccup.

His eyes are wide and his eyebrows are raised. He uncovers his mouth and mouths, "Someone's in lo-ove!" At Hiccup. Hiccup glares at him over Merida's shoulder.

"Ya still workin' on ya voice, hah?" She asks innocently.

Jack and I walk out of the room to hide our laughter. As soon as we're a safe distance away from his room, I squeal.

"Spill it," Jack orders me, a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Hiccup and Merida are sitting in a tree, but if I told you that, then they would kill me," I chant, a huge smile covering my face.

We just stand there laughing for what feels like hours. After a little while, Bunnymund walks by and looks at us very strangely.

We've sunken to the ground and are crying from laughter. We just can't stop laughing about the thought of Hiccup and Merida.

We manage to calm each other down to pull a prank on Bunnymund, though. I think that Jack is rubbing off on me.

We sneak ahead of him and string a string in a doorway a few feet in front where I'm hiding, ready to make a portal when he trips.

When he comes into view, I see that Jack was right: he's too distracted by our odd behavior to notice the string.

Our plan works flawlessly. He trips and falls through the portal.

"Where exactly did you send him?" Jack asks me in between laughs.

"Hiccup's room," I respond. He gapes at me, and then bursts into even more laughter.

Best day ever!!!!

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