Chapter 24

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Merida's POV:

We have been cleaning, repairing, attending to the wounded, avoiding questioning, etc. for about 5 hours. We're all exhausted, but we need to be informed. All of us. Only me and Punz know the full story, and me more than her.

"What. was. that!" Jack yells at me the moment he walks into my room, where the other three of us have been silently waiting for him.

"That was meh shootin' fire, Grandpa," I retort, annoyed. His eyes widen in anger at my remark.

"What did you just call me?" He asks, his voice rising. I smirk, and the other two glance at each other worriedly.


"Oh, you asked for it!" He yells, charging at me. Punz barely steps between us in time.

"She can never explain if you kill her! Or freeze her," Rapunzel scolds him. But not to miss an opportunity to be motherly, she adds, "And you, Merida, should know better than to call Frosty here Grandpa."

Jack huffs and plops down into a chair as Hic and I fight to keep our laughter unnoticed.

"So, shall we begin?" Punz suggests cheerfully. We all nod, and I proceed to tell my story.

As I finish, I shoot flames into the dying fireplace. It catches everyone off guard, and I laugh. I really hope that I can keep this. Fire powers rock!

"We-ell, I know very little about anything," Jack starts. Hiccup adds, "I think we all figured that out," and me and Punz giggle. Jack glares daggers at him and then continues. "But the Guardians may know some more about that stone, gem, magic thingy. We need to find them and get them out."

"In da meantime, I'll jus' keep it safe," I say, grinning. They all see how much I enjoy these powers and nod their agreement.

"I'm gonna see if da royal jewelers can make meh a necklace or something to hold it in durin' battles," I announce, standing up to leave.

I find the jewelers, who are astonished to see me, the unprincesslike princess. When I ask for a setting, they nearly faint. I can barely suppress my amusement.

Luckily, they can make me a setting by morning. I let them take measurements of the gem, and then take it. I'm very protective. I head back to my room, and see that the others have left. I change into comfortable sleeping clothes and go to bed.

When I wake up, I change into a loose, adventuring dress and head down to breakfast, my bow slung on my back.

When I get there, I am accosted by my parents.

"Yu're alive!"

"Yu'd better have been fightin'."

"Why'd yu go ta da palace jewelers?"

"Dare must beh some mistake. Merida doesn't go ta jewelers."

"Well, they dropped this off this mornin', 'Specially for da princess'." Mum holds up my setting. I snatch it from her, thrilled.

It's simple and strong, made of a mix of gold and... some strong metal. I really wasn't paying that much attention.

"Merida! It is impolite to snatch! But I do still think yu owe us an explanation. Jewelry? I'm not complainin', it's just a wee bit strange," Mum scolds me.

I pull out my jewel and put it into the setting. The other three admire it, while my parents state on in astonishment. I put it on, and hold up my hand, aiming at the fireplace.

"Here goes nothing," I mutter. To my joy, flames spin out and ignite the logs. My friends clap, and my parents stand stunned, gaping.

"It's a magic gem," I explain. "We don't really know how it works, so we're goin' to rescue some people who might." My father shrugs and nods, returning to his seat and shoveling food into his mouth once more. My mum, on the other hand, isn't so easy. Well, my dad really shouldn't have been either. He's just... my dad.

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