Chapter 25

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Merida's POV:

I'm scared to tell the Guardians about my gem. I know it's selfish but... I really don't want them to take it away. I love my new powers, and I don't want to lose them.

"So... Merida shoots fire?" North inquires suspiciously as we all sit down in the Pole.


We all stare at Punz in amazement. Hic starts clapping, and Jack and I join in. Rapunzel blushes, and we start laughing.

The Guardians are all frozen in shock, trying to take in all that they just heard.

"It can't be. How could he know about it? And how did MERIDA find it?!" North finally yells, standing up.

We all stare at him, our expressions going, 'U-huh. What did you say again?' North sighs and sits down.

"Many years ago, Manny gave us a box full of magical gems. The gems were separated and the box hidden, so that evil could never find it. But apparently... Pitch did." We all stare at him in skeptic disbelief.

"So, can I keep it? Pleease?" North sighs again.

"For now."

With a cry of exultation, I jump up and run outside, grabbing my arrows. I'm gonna try making flaming arrows.

Pitch's POV:

I need a new plan.

Of the greatest and most important jewels, they are all either guarded by the Guardians and completely out of reach, or... Or what? That foolish girl has one, but there are others. I think.

The Guardians have ice and water. Well, I've would be useless anyway, against ice. Fire is gone... Earth.

I need to find that Earth gem.

Sandy's POV:

I can't believe this is happening. Not again. Oh please, not again.

The last time someone found the gems...

I haven't even thought about it in years.

I don't speak (obviously you know that) but I always listen. I know a lot more about a lot more than most people.

The gems were used before any of our times. We've only heard the tales.

They circulated in the Man in the Moon's earlier years.

Centuries before the Dark Ages.

They are well known to be worse than bad news.

They're our greatest nightmare.

And now Pitch has them.

Jack's POV:

The Guardians are silently pacing with worried expressions on their faces.

Merida is doing something insane with weaponry and fire.

Hiccup and Rapunzel are playing a ridiculously pointless game of hide and go seek.

You can always find Punz because her hair is a trail.

You can always find Hic because Toothless sticks to him like glue.

Can life get any more boring!!!!

Oh wait. Yes it can.

Did I mention that North took my staff?


Something about, not wandering off and killing yourself or someone else.

I have officially labeled him paranoid.

Soo... I'm going to get it back.

But I need help.

Crazy four year olds playing a sick version of hide and go seek? No thanks.

Nutty fire girl with weaponry? Eh... She'll have to do.

At least I'm sure that she'll be happy to fight. Too happy? Yes. But I'm going to pull out my inner Pitch and just go with it for my own goal.

I will get my staff back. >:)

Random Yeti's POV:

Santa actually ordered me to put the spirit's staff in our secret safe. Like, our super secret safe. Like, the one that we store our power gems in. That super secret safe.

Why? Because he thinks that if the spirit leaves, he's going to get kidnapped and used as bait to catch Crazy Hair, and to then take the gem.

He only let her keep the jewel because he didn't want an arrow in his side.

I turn down the last corridor, and check behind me one last time before I hesitantly open the secret door.

Slowly, I make my way down twisted stairs, ever closer to the vault.

As I reach it, I feel like I'm being watched. I look behind me, and see no one, so, with a deep breath, I try to shake off the already present feeling of dread and nervousness, which is growing steadily.

My hands are violently shaking as I try to twist the knob to open the door.

The moment I let it open, I feel a hard object smash into the back of my head before I fall into blackness.

Merida's POV:

After being enlisted for the army, (Jack) I trailed the target (Random Yeti) for a good 10 minutes. What does North have with long, twisting tunnels!

The moment he opens the door, I knock him out. I feel a little bad- but only a teensy weensy bit.

I snatch up Frost's staff... And can't help but look inside the safe.

There are more gems.

And other important stuff, but I don't know what those are, so I'm ignoring them.

Gems. Gems!

What can these do?

And then the thought occurs to me:
I really shouldn't take these.

Pouting, I close the door, making sure it relocks, and then sneakily make my way back to the main Workshop.

It takes me a good hour, since I constantly get lost in the mess of pathways, but I eventually reach safety.

I find Frost almost immediately, and hand him his staff. He smiles, and reminds me that he now owes me a favor.

It's my turn to smile. I'm sooo going to take advantage of this favor.

North's POV:

I sent a yeti down to hide Jack's staff where even he can't find it. I can't take the chance of him leaving.

Merida... I really shouldn't let her keep the gem, but... I don't want an arrow in me.

Hiccup and Rapunzel are being angels. Strange, yes. But they're being perfectly decent.

I make my way to my office to work on some ice. It should take my mind off of all of the problems that are currently giving me a headache.

The other Guardians have agreed with my methods, but the young Big Four...

I doubt that they will be able to comprehend the necessity of the measures that I am putting in place.

I begin to work on a small model of the Big Four happily playing. It has the desired effect on me. I calm down, and focus on the detailing.

I was doubtful at first, but Manny really knew what he was doing when he brought them together.

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