Chapter 17

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Merida's POV:

(Jack is currently still randomly flying around Norway)

We're at Hiccup's home. And we're expecting an attack by Hic's friends.

'Almost as bad as what I was expecting at my place,' I think grimly.

Soon enough, we do indeed meet the rest of Hic's friends.

"Fiiire!" Someone screams. I duck out of habit, pulling Punz down with me. Hic ducks, too.

Another wall of flame comes at us, obviously another assassination attempt. I don't like it here much.

Not wanting to offend Hiccup, I hold in my anger and burning (haha) desire to drive an arrow through the culprit(s).

"Hiccup! We didn't see you!" A female calls.

"Obviously not," he mutters in an annoyed manner. I smirk.

"Who are these?" She asks in scorn, looking at us like we're rats as she flies down in front of us, dismounts, and walks up.

"These," Hic says with an eye roll, "are my friends." He leaves off the princess part, much to my delight.

"Oh, okay. Well, we'll be expecting you at the training arena in an hour. That'll give you time to sort stuff out with your Dad, you know. We are behind on our safety drills." She starts to walk off, but Hic grabs her shoulder to stop her.

"No, you don't understand. We're here for refuge and to protect the village." At this, she scoffs, but Hic ignores her.

"We are fighting fear. He's after our families. We're a group, you see. There are actually four of us. You remember Jack Frost?"

"Yeah, the winter spirit, right?" We all nod. She doesn't look half as concerned as we should be.

"He's our team leader. He's fought Pitch before," Hic finishes.

She nods. She's really understanding. I mean, how will my family react? Not this well by any means. Either that or she doesn't care and isn't actually listening to him.

"This way," Hic says, directing his attention back to me and Punz.

We follow him quickly, eager to escape these nut jobs.

I can't imagine how poor Punz is feeling. I mean, these are the first other people that she's ever met!

I'm also a bit surprised that no one recognizes me. I have run away to here many times before.

Hic leads us across the village to his house. He says that he, Jack and Toothless can sleep in their stable.

I'm gonna sleep on Toothless's bed, a large round wooden slate, and Punz will have the human bed.

In the meantime, we three meet to talk in Hic's living room.

"Do you think that Jack is really still just out bringing fun?" Punz asks in concern.

(Jack has just noticed the little kingdom)

"Oh yes. He used to follow me around for hours just to get a rise out of me, without realizing that it had been much more than 5 minutes," Hic replies without even thinking.

I'm still nervous and doubtful, but Punz seems perfectly calmed down now.

"I'm gonna go take a walk," I lie, standing up. Thankfully, they don't mind.

Once I leave Hic's house, I sneak through the village and into the forest.

I start shooting at random tree knots and other good targets.

My, I miss Angus. This would be much more fun and much more challenging if I were riding.

Soon, I'm completely lost in the forest. I don't mind, though.

It gives me an excuse for why I'm not going back right away. I actually just don't want to.

I know that my nightmare from last night was just a dream, fake, but it has changed me.

I want to go home. I don't want to deal with my new 'friends' anymore.

I don't want to risk trusting them, or... More.

I don't want to take the risk of them hurting me, and leaving me broken.

I want to be left alone in peace until I die. Is that too much to ask?

In anger, I pull out my sword and slice a rock in two.

Then, I notice it.

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