Chapter 15

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Merida's POV:

I fall asleep, and immediately start having nightmares.

Merida's Dream

I am standing in the center of the circle of stones. I see my mother and my brothers, my dad and the entire army.

They're all dead. Ripped to shreds. I hear a crunch coming from behind me, and turn to see...

A harmless chipmunk. I frown and kick a stone at it, shooing it away.

Then I hear a louder snap behind me. This time, when I turn around, I see my worst nightmare. Mordu.

I put an arrow in my bow and prepare to aim, but I'm too slow. Mordu lunges at me.

I feel incredible pain right before everything goes black. I blink, and I'm standing in the workshop.

Thank goodness, I must've woken up. I see Hiccup and walk up to him.

"So what's da plan?" I ask him. He turns and glares at me.

"Why do you always ask me? Can't you do anything yourself?" He yells at me.

I shrink back in shame. I don't know why, but his outburst hurts me more than Mordu did. I run out of the room and bump into Punz.

"Watch where you're going," she snaps. I take no notice.

"Something's wrong wih Hiccup. He jus' yelled at meh for nothin'," I tell her, trying not to cry. She shakes her head and frowns.

"Why do I care? Just because you and your boyfriend had a fight doesn't mean that you can bump into me."

She walks off like nothing happened. I just stand there, gaping at her with tears streaming down my face.

Jack walks by. He stops. Stupid me thinks that he's concerned. But of course he's not.

"Why are you crying? You're supposed to be brave. We don't have any use for a weak scaredycat," he growls at me before flying off.

I fall to the floor, sobbing. Then, it occurs to me; this is all a nightmare. My friends would never say those things to me. I stand up, wiping off the tears.

I smile, saying, "My friends aren't like this at all. This is jus' an elaborate dream."

"Oh no, my dear. This is no dream. It's a nightmare." I immediately recognize that voice.

"Come out here, Pitch yu coward!" I shout.

"Very well." He steps out in front of me. I'm surprised for some reason to still see the wound from my arrow in his shoulder. Apparently I really did leave my mark.

"You don't realize it yet, but your friends are really just like this. They are just putting on a show to gain your trust and resources. Watch them closely, for eventually, they will make one wrong move, and then you will know."

End of Dream

I jolt upright. I glance at the others to see them all asleep. Wait, Jack sleeps? I shake my head. Forget it.

What if Pitch was telling the truth? No, he's an evil, lying, cheating maniac.

But then again, my 'friends' are the ones that told me that he's evil.

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