Chapter 13

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Rapunzel's POV:

First the funniest prank ever, then the most beautiful place ever, and then... I gasp in horror, along with everyone else.

We all raise our weapons and ready for attack. Thank goodness I still have my frying pan.

The entire workshop is a total wreck. All of everything is knocked over and broken.

Worst of all, neither North nor the yetis nor the elves are anywhere to be seen. None of them!

"Pitch," Jack growls.

"I'll check the guest quarters," I volunteer. Jack jerks his head in approval.

I gulp as Pascal tries to encourage me. As I search our quarters, I get confused. We find absolutely nothing. And I mean, nothing.

No furniture, no clothes, no weapons. All of our stuff is gone.

I run back to tell the others. When I get there, I'm out of breath, so I stand for a moment listening to their conversation.

"We found nothing. Mer and I even checked the sled room. Gone."

"Well, it was worth a try. Everything in here's smashed or missing, but we may still be able to call the others." Jack then turns to look at me.

"What's the status of our quarters?" He asks me solemnly.

I'm really proud of him. In a sisterly way. His inner leader is coming out big time. He's doing great.

"Everything has vanished. Our stuff, our clothes- even the furniture. All just gone." I state nervously, trying to avoid a panic attack.

Jack ruffles his hair like he always does when he's stressed.

"Soo, heh has North, and da workshop is a total wreck," Merida says, summing it all up.

I sigh and flop onto the ground on the verge of tears.

"What do we do now?"

Hiccup's POV:

Merida is stress relieving, Goldie is freaking out, and Jack is strategizing.

Jack and strategizing should not go together in the same sentence. I guess that this means that I need to come up with a plan.

Maybe Pitch wants to distract us? I bet that's it. It sounds totally... Pitchy. And we're just the types of people to fall for it.

But why? Distract us from what? Maybe he wants to attack our homes. I gulp at the thought.

Jack doesn't have a home, and Goldie just has a tower. That leaves my and Merida's homes, which neighbor each other.

It's the perfect plan. We're distracted, and our homes are next to each another.

I try to calm myself. My home. My family. Everyone and everything I know. In danger.

At least they're vikings. I stand up and ask Toothless to fire a plasma blast in order to get everyone's attention.

"Hiccup!" They all chide me at the same moment.

"Just listen to me!" I snap. They stare at me in surprise and wait for me to continue.

"I think I know Pitch's plan." I hold up my hands in defense, "And this time I'm not being possessed."

"Well, go on," Jack orders me impatiently. I glare at him before continuing.

"This is the perfect distraction. While we're busy here, he can take out both my and Merida's homes, because they're neighbors."

"So, we need to go to Berk?" Goldie replies. I nod, and Jack smirks.

"I'll make sure that we have some lovely winter there. I've been giving extra long summers lately," Jack says playfully. We all groan in unison. Jack frowns and puts his hands on his hips.

"I need to find someone who appreciates me and my winter," he says in a mock hurt tone as he walks off.

We just grin and prepare to leave in the morning, despite the panic.

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