Chapter 19

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Rapunzel's POV:

(Jack is realizing how long he's been gone, and Merida is still asleep)

I finish brushing my hair for the fourth time, meaning that Hiccup has been explaining our 'situation' to his Dad and the council for way too long for my patience.

Much to my delight, they walk out right then. Hiccup comes over to me immediately, just as eager to sneak out as I am. After a few attempts, we manage to elbow our way out of the crowd.

Walking to the dragon stables, there is an uncomfortable silence. Once there, we get on Toothless and are on our way in no time.

Worry fogs our focus as we fly straight toward Scotland.
About half an hour out, I feel something happen in my heart.

What's going on?

Merida's POV:

I awaken feeling different. A good different. A really good different.

I remember everything.

But now, I have no obligations. No fears or expectations.

I'm a princess: the princess of darkness.

I find a new, black bow and a black quiver of black, nightmare sand tipped arrows.

I see some clothes laying out and like them, so I put them on.

A white tee shirt with a black leather jacket, black skinny jeans, and black hiking boots.

Totally the new me.

I walk out and become accustomed to the lovely dim light.

I see some targets, and shoot them. The arrows make the targets disintegrate. I smirk in glee at this wonderful feeling.


Then, I try shooting nightmare sand out of my hand, like Pitch does. Same result. I smirk again.

I look at my hand and see a Celtic knot slowly fade away from the part of my hand where the sand shot out of.

It looks so cool. Just like everything.

Then, I begin to think about what I want to do with my newfound self. Pitch is sure to want to help. In return, I'll help him.

•I want to take revenge on my parents for all that they've done to me.

•On Hiccup's 'friends' for trying to kill me.

•I want to take out Hiccup to remove that weakness of mine.

•Rapunzel is a bit different. I want to cut her hair to free her from its obligation, and then take her to her parents with no memory of any of us, so that she can have a normal, good life. I should probably hate her too, but... I guess she's the one thing that my old self won't let me destroy.

And then there's Jack.

All he did was hurt me.
Break me down.
Give me false hopes and dreams.
Betray me. (By disappearing right after her nightmare filled night)

He is going to die a painful, elongated death.

And that is a promise.

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