Chapter 26

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Pitch's POV:


It would be a teensy bit easier for me if they could just hide them closer to the ground!


I am currently climbing (ya right- trying to climb) up the side of a mountain. My research says that the jewel is hidden- well, it has something to do with an ancient tree on the top of this mountain. I'm sure I can figure it out.

Higher... Higher... Higher... I make the stupid mistake of looking down.

Higher... Higher... I consider quitting, but remind myself that the world needs to be ruled.

Higher... Higher... Higher... Almost there! Oh, why did the mountain have to be situated just so that I couldn't fly up it?

Higher... I finally manage to pull myself onto the very top of the mountain.

There is what I am expecting. A very old, very large tree. I make my way over to it and see that it is covered in carved symbols and words.

I almost collapse from frustration. I know what this is: an ancient dialect of magic. But I don't speak it. Almost no one does. The only person that I know of that might possibly speak it is North himself. And getting help from him is literally impossible.

What now? Guess?! Then I see something that catches my eye. It's a little flower. I shrug and press it. Earth gem, flower. Makes some sense, right?

Well, today the Leprechaun is on my side. The tree untwists and reveals a small, intricately carved pedestal with the gem resting on top of it.

I breathe a sigh of relief and grab it. I then, to test its power, wave my hand in a manner that should cause the tree to retwist. Sure enough, it does. I grin evilly.

Now I am ready to defeat those pesky Guardians and their Big Four sidekicks once and for all.

Hiccup's POV:

It's been six days. Six days! Of nothing! No signs of Pitch. No places to go. We just sit around all day long. Well, Rapunzel and I do. Mer and Jack are constantly off getting in trouble. And without his staff, too! North took it away the day we got here.

Tooth's POV:

One of my fairies flies up to me and immediately starts talking so fast that I can't understand her. Finally, I get her message. She spotted Pitch heading toward the Workshop!

I immediately fly off to warn North and the others.

Jack's POV:

Mer and I have been becoming better friends since she helped me steal back my staff.

It's really amusing. That yeti that was supposed to hide it is so scared of us that it hasn't told North that I have it back! Only the three of us know.

Then, I hear something that makes me wish I were dead. North yelling my name.

I reluctantly slink toward the Globe Room. There, I see everyone panicking. I almost wish that we didn't go back to Pitch's lair to save the rest of the yetis and elves. They are so frustrating! But then again, they need to make toys.

Focus Jack!

"What's going on?" I shout. Nothing. I sigh agitatedly and slam my staff down, freezing the floor. Everyone stares at me. Mer tries to suppress her laughter.

"Where did you get that?" North finally asks.

"Your not so super secret vault." I think his head might explode he's so angry!

But before he says anything, Tooth butts in.

"Pitch is coming here right now." I gasp, and everyone else resumes their nervous chatter. I freeze a second layer of ice onto the floor.

"Then we need to get ready!" At my chiding, everyone dashes off to get armed, even Kangaroo. I don't even chuckle at their slipping on the ice I've just made.

I grit my teeth in anticipation. Pitch must have something big up his sleeve to do something this risky.

Merida's POV:

Jack was right. We were acting like idiots, standing there yapping while Pitch is coming!

I've gotten my jewel and my bow and arrows from my room. I'm ready as I'll ever be.

I leave my room and join up with Rapunzel. She has her frying pan, but there is nothing that could possibly ever make her look fierce.

We get back to the Globe Room after a long walk in silence. Everyone is afraid of what has caused Pitch's sudden bravery. I mean, attacking the Pole?

Jack is standing ready by Bunny. Hiccup is on Toothless. Much to my surprise, he even has a dagger strapped to his belt. The other Guardians are standing at ready, and all of the yetis are here. Well, I think all of them.

And then he arrives.

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