Chapter 27

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Random Yeti's POV: (Let's call him Bob)

All of the Guardians, the Big Four, the elves, and us yetis are gathered in the Workshop's Globe Room, anxiously awaiting Pitch's arrival.

"He's here!" Someone shouts suddenly, causing all of us to swallow our terror and stand at ready.

"Well well. What have we here? All of my very favorite people in one place! How lucky can I get?" Pitch's voice tauntingly rings throughout the room, echoing from everywhere.

"What do you want, Pitch!" Rapunzel yells courageously, bringing another round of cruel laughter from Pitch.

"What do I always want? To rule the world in fear! For all of the people to believe in my existence, and to fear me! Even you, the legendary Guardians, and their sidekicks, the Big Four."

The last line brings an arrow from Merida, flying at a shadow that quickly ducks out of its way.

She knocks another arrow, but instantly a hundred identical shadows decorate all surfaces, making it impossible to know which one belongs to the actual Pitch.

"Go ahead, Curly. Shoot me! I'd love to see you try." She's about to start madly shooting when Rapunzel grabs her elbow, preventing her from letting an arrow loose.

She makes an annoyed grunt and sheaths her arrow. The shadows immediately form back into one, and Pitch emerges, a wicked smile on his face.

Jack Frost instantly shoots ice at him, but he summons a shield of black nightmare sand to shelter him. Hiccup astride Toothless uses his quick thinking and orders his dragon to shoot at Pitch, too.

As the shield falls from the winter spirit's blow, the plasma blast hits Pitch in his side, sending him flying into a wall.

Everyone smiles at this, but as he pulls himself up, his sneer turns into an angry frown.

"You'll pay for that, you-" he's cut off by another plasma blast that an annoyed Toothless fires to shut him up. He dodges it, and stands back up again.

"As I was saying-" this time, Jack Frost sends some more ice at him, causing him to dodge again, still unable to complete his sentence.

"If you interrupt me one more time, I'll-" Bunnymund throws a boomerang at him. After dodging this one, he quickly darts into the shadows, leaving the 'victorious' Guardians behind, laughing.

"Very well then. I shall get straight to the point. Attack!" He steps out of the shadows a last time as nightmares flow through the windows and in from every door.

Obviously, fighting ensues.

Being fought at our home, we have the advantage. Our entire army of yetis is right here. Not to mention that we are all rested and energetic.

Merida is easily handling herself, shooting both fire and arrows at every nightmare that comes near her.

Hiccup and Toothless are flying about, taking care of large groups of nightmares with each plasma blast.

Jack Frost is both fighting on land and in the air, freezing dozens of nightmares as they approach him.

Rapunzel has her hair wrapped around her and is singing her special song, causing it to glow and keep the nightmares from coming too close. All of the ones that do near her are smashed by her frying pan.

North is using his katanas to slice every nightmare within reach.

Tooth is anxiously fluttering around, punching the nightmares that come too close to her.

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