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A couple of days had passed since I'd come back home, I'd settled back into some sort of routine and gotten off fairly easily with my mother who apparently was just excited to pop me in the office until I found another job so she didn't have to be in here.

So here I sat in this god forsaken office staring at this pile of paper work and wondering if I could run away a second time. I was brought away from my thoughts when a knock sounded on the door, looking up I found Juice staring back at me with a look of concern "is this a bad time?"

I shook my head "no, come in Juicey, what's up?"

He sat on the couch in the office across from me before he spoke "I missed you Eve, I wish you woulda told me you were leaving"

I smiled at my once best friend sadly, when I'd left I'd not said much to anyone other than Jax who'd supported my decision to try and find what I felt like I needed too find in life. But looking at how sad Juice looked I felt a pang of guilt for not telling him.

I shrugged "I know but you would've stopped me and I needed to go man"

"Where'd you end up?"

I looked at him and subconsciously pulled the sleeves of the hoodie Happy had given me a couple of days prior down over my arms hoping he hadn't seen the bruises "moved around a lot, my ex wouldn't stay in one place long"

I watched as his face looked confused "ex?"

I sat back on the office chair and ran my hands through my hair contemplating how much I could tell him before he told Jax, though Happy hadn't said anything when he'd seen the bruises and Juice had been my best friend for a long time before I left. Standing I moved too shut the open door and turned back to him "you cannot tell Jackson, like not any of it and if you do I'll know where it come from"

His brows furrowed in confusion as he looked at me before he nodded and I spoke again "His name is Andrew. I met him in Las Vegas, he was unlike anything I ever met, ya know? Suits and fancy restaurants all the shit you don't find in this town. He swept me off my feet, but then..."

I pulled the blinds closed before I pulled the hoodie over my head revealing the tank top underneath and pulled it up. I watched as his eyes took in my torso, which had several nasty dark bruises, and then my arms which were similar. He put his hands on his head shaking it as he looked "Evie, did he do this too you?"

I redressed and lent against the desk "this isn't the first time, he liked to feel in control and we all know I don't like that. He was smart though, rarely my face. He's involved in a lot of heavy shit, stuff that made me uncomfortable and I grew up in a clubhouse. When he was in a business meeting, I stole a car and left. He doesn't know where I'm from so I figure the chances of him finding me here are slim"

I felt the tears forming in my eyes and as he stood and moved towards me to wrap his arms around me the flood gates just opened and I ended up letting out the last three years of emotions that had been suppressed. When the office door swung open and Happy stood in the door frame his eyes looked concerned before they turned hard "Church" he mumbled before spinning on his heel and heading back across the lot.

Juice stood back and rubbed the tears from under my eyes with his thumbs "you're safe now Eve, but I wouldn't keep this from Jax. If he didn't know and anything happened he wouldn't forgive himself and you know it"

I nodded at his words as he gave her one last hug before heading out the same way, I knew he was right but there was no way I was telling Jax.

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