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Happy followed me into the warehouse, carrying Harlem in his arms and Lux walked tentatively by his side until she spotted Tig and then she bound off towards him. I put the baby bag on a table and sighed as I looked around, it was packed in here and I missed the comforts of the clubhouse but it'd have to do.

"You should go talk to Lyla" Happy's voice was low as he pointed towards Lyla who was sobbing on a couch next to Gemma.

I nodded "are you good with him?"

"He's cool, I'll take him to see uncle Tiggy"

I sighed deeply as I rubbed my sweaty hands against my hoodie and headed towards where the girls sat. I took a seat on the other side of Lyla and wrapped my arms around her small frame "I'm so sorry Lyla"

She let out a tiny sob and I made eye contact with my mother who looked torn up as she watched Lyla "you okay mom?"

"I'm fine baby, keep an eye on her I'm going to check on Wendy and the boys"

I nodded and continued to rub my hand through Lyla's long curls "hey, it's going to be okay"

I felt like I was lying straight through my teeth but tried to contain my composure. Looking around the room my heart felt heavy at the missing faces of fallen family members but when my eyes fell on the sight of Tig and Happy laughing as they held Harlem up in front of their faces I remembered what we were fighting for. Wiping away a couple of stray tears I pulled back from Lyla "you're doing a really good job, Opie would be super proud of you"

She smiled at me weakly "thanks Evie"

Ally appeared as if she was on cue with two drinks for us and I felt relieved "master of time" I laughed as I took them "hey, sit with Lyla. I'm going to go check on Harlem"


A few days later I sat on the couch with Harlem and Ally watching some old movie as my mind spun in circles about poor Juice. I knew they'd found him and I knew it was death row for him. I hadn't told Ally, not yet. But I knew that conversation would have to happen and it was better to come from me than any of the club who at this point were just full of hate for the former member.

"Ally..." I started, she looked from the tv to me with interest "have you heard from Juice lately?"

She shook her head no "I've given up hope on him, I love Juice but it is what it is"

"You know what happens to a rat in this club?"

"Yeah, I do" she said "why?"

I sighed "well, Juice has been a rat more than once...and they've found him"

Her eyes closed as she processed the information "oh" was all she said.

"When Juice first started hanging around the club I loved him, as a friend of course. He was hilarious and goofy, was always down to take any drugs I found and drank like a fish with me" I laughed reminiscing "he patched in, and he was doing really good. I left and came back, he was still doing good but we were never very close again. He was loose lipped, a very dangerous game to play in this life. And I guess he just spiralled from there"

She looked at me sadly, I noticed she was holding it together a lot better than me thought "I knew this was coming Evie, I'm okay I promise"

"You always have a place with my family Al, we are all safer without a rat" I reached out and she grabbed my hand "I wish you could've been a part of this world before everything was a fuckin mess"

"Yeah me too" she smiled at me sadly.

"Baby, I need you to come with me and Rat to get your mom to the cabin"

I rolled my eyes "why are you all so scared of her?"

"Just get to the lot" he demanded and hung up the phone.

I looked to Wendy who sat on the floor across from me playing with Abel and Thomas "you all good with Harlem?"

She nodded "of course, he's an easy baby anyway. What's going on?"

"Not entirely sure, was just demanded to be at the lot...Hap's really been pulling the old lady card lately" I chuckled as I rolled my eyes.

She snickered as she stacked blocks with the boys "yeah I've noticed...I was actually surprised you've been going along with it, younger Evie might of stabbed him"

"Lowman has really got me fucked up" I grinned "lucky he's so pretty"

"How long will you be?" Wendy asked as I passed a bright eyed Harlem to her "hi big boy"

"Not sure, but there's formula in the kitchen if I'm too long and he's got clothes in moms room...is that okay? If it gets too much ring Ally, she finishes work soon anyways"

"We've got it covered mama, we will see you later"

I kissed all three of the boys on the cheek before I left the house and headed towards the lot. Construction on the clubhouse was underway though it seemed to be taking ages, though it could've just been the fact so much had happened in the couple of months since it burnt down that it felt that way. The van was parked in front of the garage and Rat and Happy were lent up against it as I walked towards them.

"Are you two seriously waiting for me? Good fuckin' lord" I laughed as I got close enough "so what do we need her for?"

"We don't know, Jax just said tell her family business but she'll probably listen to you more than us" Rat shrugged and I sighed turning to head in to where Gemma was.

"Mom?" I called and she stepped out of the office "we gotta meet Jax at the cabin"

"Why?" She asked starting to look panicked.

"Club business" Happy spoke from just behind me.

"I need to talk to him first" she stuttered.

"He said he'd call you" Rat shrugged and I squinted as I watched Gemma squirm, she'd usually jump at the chance to help her golden child.

"He was clear Gem, gotta come with us" Happy said sternly.

"And if I said no?"

"Why the fuck would you say no?" I hissed "get in the van Mom or we will put you in the damn van"

She nodded looking uneasy but got in anyway. I turned back towards Happy "you all good now? I'll stay and help Chucky"

He stepped towards me kissing my forehead "don't go to far on your own today"

"Yes boss" I smiled into his kiss "don't let my mother scare you too much today killer"

"Fuck off" he laughed before turning and heading towards the drivers side door of the van.

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