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A couple of weeks later I pulled up the charred remains of the clubhouse after an appointment at the hospital. I noted all the bikes in the lot and realised the club, or what was left of it, was here.

The sight of what was left of the clubhouse hurt my heart, I'd grown up here. This parking lot had been where Opie and Jax had taught me to ride a bike, Thomas and I had spent hours drawing at the tables inside and I had some of my fondest memories with my father here. I'd always envisioned our son doing the same with his cousins, but that all seemed like a faded dream now.

Tig stood at the entry looking over at me as I headed his way. Once I was close enough I spoke "is Hap in there?" I felt out of breath, nearing eight weeks left until our due date I wondered how it would be possible for this child to grow any bigger, I don't think I had any room left in there.

"Yeah but I don't think you should go in doll, the smell can't be good for you" his blue eyes looked concerned and stressed. In fact I don't think there was one member who wasn't after the last few weeks.

Happy stuck his head out of the interior and gave me a puzzled look "what's wrong?"

"I just finished at the hospital and they want to induce me at thirty seven weeks...he's measuring super far ahead and they're worried he might literally tear me in two"

His face frowned before he laughed "that's only...like five weeks away"

"Yeah but we will have a date where we can plan no runs" I pointed at my brother who had appeared behind Happy "I'm talking to you Jackson Teller"

"Yes mini Gemma" he saluted and I rolled my eyes.

"So yeah, came to tell you that. Five weeks Lowman and we're officially parents"

He stepped forward and scooped me up into his arms pressing a kiss against my lips "can't wait"


"Have you seen my mom?" I asked Chucky as I walked into the new temporary clubhouse that was Scoops and Sweets on the main strip of Charming. My tummy was tight and sore and the eviction day was quickly creeping up with only four weeks left.

"Ay, come sit down sweetheart" Chibs called from his spot at a booth and I waddled over and took the seat across from him "I just got back from the hospital, Gemma assaulted Tara, kicked her in the stomach...she lost the baby"

"What?" I felt shocked, my mother was a cruel violent bitch but I don't think there was anyway she'd harm her own grandchild.

"Jax is at Saint Thomas with Tara now...Gemma is in lock up" he continued, reaching out to grab my hand across the table "I'm sorry darlin'"

I sat for a moment and processed this information, with how cagey and off Tara had been this just didn't sit right with me but I mean surely she wouldn't be low enough to fake a pregnancy. After a few minutes I spoke again in a voice so quiet and unsure it was almost a whisper "Do you believe Gemma would do that?"

Chibs shook his head with a shrug as he exhaled the smoke from his cigarette "Honestly Evie, I don't know what to believe lately. But I do know the truth always comes out in the end, lies don't last long in this life"

I nodded in agreement "yeah I guess. I sure chose a good time to have a baby" I joked and got a smile in return.

"That you did"

I sat with Chibs for a while longer enjoying the distraction from anything else currently going on. I decided maybe to stop in and see Tara myself. I'd always considered us close before recently, she'd soured into someone I couldn't stomach but she was still the mother of my nephews and I owed it to Jax to at least act like I care.

I knocked gently on the hospital door, before pushing it open "Hey, how you feeling?"

Tara sat on the bed looking a lot more held together than I would if I'd just been assaulted by my mother in law and lost my child but I guess that's a matter of opinion. She cleared her throat before she spoke "I'm okay, sore" she smiled softly.

I moved to sit next to her on a chair "what started it?"

"She seemed to think I'm trying to take 'her' kids away from her still, she's delusional and violent and we signed a restraining order"

I squinted "Jax agreed to that?"

"I don't want her around my children Evie" she snapped.

"I'm sure that restraining order will help with your custody case to make sure they don't go to Gemma" I started as she broke eye contact with me "does Jax know it's Wendy you want to give them too or?"

"Jax isn't seeing straight with things from the club, one of us has to be thinking of the boys best interests"

"My brother isn't seeing a lot of things apparently" I stared my once friend straight in the eyes as I spoke with no fear.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She snapped.

"You know what it means Tara. I get wanting to keep your kids safe, but he's their father and manipulating everyone into thinking my mother is the villain is only gonna get her exiled or worse, dead" I stood now, feeling done with this conversation "Gemma is a lot of things Tara, I get that. She's too involved in your business, but she loves her kids and her grandkids with the type of pure love I know you've experienced with your own children, and she wouldn't ever assault you in a way that would harm one of them"

Tara didn't say anything as I walked towards the door but turned once more before I walked out "I hope your plan works for you Tara before someone ends up hurt"

And with that I left the room and headed towards the station to bail my mother out.

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