Part 7

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Sean gritted his teeth, watching Mark casually take his seat at the head of the table. Amy laid the blanket over his lap, tucking it beneath his thighs without ever touching his skin. Once the blanket was secured in place, she quickly moved away. Sean turned to watch her tidy up the blood off the coffee table, when Mark told him sternly. "Eat. Before it gets cold." Sean glared at Mark. He wasn't even looking at him. Mark was casually eating his breakfast without a care in the world. Turning his eyes down to his dog bowl, he curled his lips in disgust. This was so degrading. The longer he stared at it though, the more he talked himself into eating. Mark would only take it away from him... He couldn't bear to starve himself any more than he had too. Forcing himself to lean over the bowl, his sniffed the oatmeal. It smelled alright, but it looked horrible. Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to lick some of it. It was barely enough to really taste it, but the general texture was there.

It wasn't bad. It was rather sweet in flavor. Leaning back over it, he tried not to make a mess of it. Using his tongue to lick a side clean and working his way around. His hunger was getting the better of him and he wolfed it down as fast as he could. He had never had anything that tasted like this. It was good. He liked it. As he rose from his chair to lick the bowl, he stopped when he caught Mark watching him. He waited for Mark to make a smug comment, but he didn't. Instead, Mark told him nonchalantly. "Thirsty?" Sean licked his lips, before grumbling out. "How do you plan to make me drink?" Mark lifted Sean's napkin to reveal a straw. Picking it up, Mark slipped it into his coffee cup and slid the mug closer to him. Without a single word more, Mark continued to eat. Sean leaned down hesitantly to sniff the drink. Mark had been drinking it. So, it wasn't drugged. It didn't smell good though. Lifting his head, he asked Mark gruffly. "You got any beer? Or is that too low for you rich types?"

Mark's stony eyes rose from his plate and Sean swallowed nervously. Mark sat back in his chair, wiping his mouth with a napkin before answering in a firm tone. "No, I don't. But if it will encourage you to eat, I can have some ordered for dinner tonight. Would you like that?" Sean nodded his head so subtly that he wasn't sure he had moved at all. Mark set his napkin down, calling out to Amy in a clear voice. "Peebles? Put a case of beer down for delivery. I want it here before dinner." From across the room, Amy stopped before a room door with the paddle, muzzle, and ankle cuffs in her hands. Quickly going into a bow, she answered Mark in a sweet voice. "Yes, Sir. Anything in particular?" Mark looked to Sean, gesturing for him to answer with an open hand. Sean cleared his throat, stating out slightly embarrassed. "Adder's Venom." He hoped Mark didn't know what that was. He didn't want Mark thinking he was weak. Amy nodded to him, continuing to put the stuff away in the room.

Sean's heart then sank, when Mark casually said aloud. "A light beer. Didn't expect that. But at least your taste is decent enough." Sean couldn't help glaring at Mark now as he muttered out. "Don't condescend me, arsehole." Mark cracked his knuckles, but his voice was steady when he told him dryly. "I wasn't. That was a compliment." Sean huffed sarcastically, mumbling out to himself. "Ya. Sure. Fuck you." Mark stood up quickly and Sean instinctively jumped back. For a few seconds, they just stared at each other in silence. Then Mark smirked without any trace of joy in it, upon stating out. "You've got five seconds to get on your knees and apologize." Sean looked Mark over with uneasiness. He had never gotten on his knees or apologized for anything in his life. That behavior was beneath a gang leader like him. Mark took a step closer to him starting to count down. Sean stubbornly stood his ground. There were just some things he would never do. No matter what it cost him.

Mark counted down to three, when the doorbell rang. Amy sprang for the door to answer it and Sean's heart leapt. Mark turned to look in her direction and Sean made his move. Just as Amy opened the door, Sean bolted around Mark. Crossing the room quickly, Sean leapt through Amy's hologram and tried to shove his shoulder into the fucker at the door to shove him aside. Instead, his shoulder hit what felt like a wall, causing his shoulder to pop. The pain from the collision staggered him to his knees on the hard cement. Groaning in agony, he looked up to see another man in the same type of white uniform that Mark wore. The man reached down grabbing the back of his neck in a grip that hurt worst than the pain in his shoulder. The man dragged him back inside, throwing him to the carpet so roughly that it made Sean rollover onto his knees. Amy quickly closed the door, looking terrified as the man began shouting out. "Have you lost your mind?! Do you have any idea what this will do to us!" Mark rolled his eyes, dropping into his chair, before grumbling out. "Relax. I have him under control. He wouldn't have gotten off this floor."

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