Part 45

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People began to crowd them, and more cameras flashed like crackling lightning. Sean tried to keep his eyes on Mark, but the flashes were starting to blind him. He was seeing spots all over his vision. Mark never took his eyes off him, raising his hands to put on either side of Sean's face to block out the flashing. Sean put his hands on Mark's chest, feeling suddenly a little overwhelmed by the attention he was getting. All around them people began speaking all at once and some in languages that he didn't understand. Someone was shoved into Sean, causing him to stumble into Mark's chest. Mark wrapped his arms around him protectively as a group of Valkyries flew over to circle them. The crowd backed up as the Valkyries landed in a circle around them with their wings spread out. Mark kept Sean close, waving his hand to the Valkyries. The Valkyries folded their metal wings to let the crowd see them but didn't let them get any closer. Sean took shaky breaths to calm himself. Mark was so calm though.

Gesturing for the crowd to calm down with his raised hand, he told them casually. "Everyone just settle down. I'll answer any questions you have. Let's just be mindful and safe of those around us. Please?" Sean expected to hear chaos break out, only to be surprised when the crowd calmed down. Keeping Sean against his side, he pointed to a muscular woman with tusks and grey skin. She spoke in a voice deeper than any man and in a language that sounded like grunts and growls. Mark listened, then regaled to the crowd coolly. "Elites have always had feelings. We simply control them enough to keep a level head. We don't let matters of the heart interfere with our sense of Order and Justice. Think about it like this. If we were completely unfeeling... Would you really trust us with your lives? Elites were made to bridge the gap between Mother and yourselves. Have we not done that?" The Valkyries around them translated Mark's words into multiple languages. Mark waited to make sure that his words were all translated before gesturing to a human man in nice casual clothes.

The man pointed to Sean, asking aloud for everyone. "The law banded Master and Pet relations. We've upheld that law for generations! What's changed to make you think this is ok?" Mark smirked to himself, answering after the question was translated. "That law was in place before I was even in power. It was designed to stop interspecies breeding. To stop the needless deaths of infants that were mutated by incompatible genetics. If you wish to know more in that area. Please divert those questions to Elite Matthew in the Genetics department. The fact of the matter is that we have rules already in place for safe breeding of our Pets. We have rules and guidelines that Masters go through to have kids. We regulate breeding to keep that from happening. Licensed breeding has not changed. But I don't plan to breed with him... I physically can't." People around them laughed and more followed after his words were translated. Sean was impressed with Mark. People really respected him.

Mark's fingers began to stroke Sean's neck with a calm tenderness. The simple action made Sean close his eyes, his racing heart slowing as he hid his face against Mark's warm shoulder. After the translations, Mark continued on sweetly. "I'm not breaking the rules. I'm not trying to change them because they are wrong. I'm addressing a flaw. Why should a Master have to hide their feelings for their Pet? We all care for them or we wouldn't have them. We play with them. As long as breeding laws are still set in place... Why can't we be with them? Partners Eternally Together. That used to mean something more. I run the Auctions. I run the Pet Shows. I watch over everything. I've seen things and done nothing because... that was the law. I set this up today. To get everyone here. Because I'm not going to let this slip through the cracks anymore." Mark waited for the translations, then continued on in a firm but loving tone of voice. "Starting today. As Master Elite, I lift the band on Master and Pet relations. We should have the right to be happy. And this..."

Mark turned to face Sean, cupping his face in his loving hands and looking deep into his eyes as he said aloud. "This makes me happy. I love him. And if he loves me too... I'll continue to give him a good life. A happy life with me." Tears brimmed Sean's eyes. Mark's words were so powerful that he felt them to his very core. Sliding his hands up Mark's chest, he curled his fingers in his shirt to hold him and strained out through a choked-up voice. "I do love you, Mark." Mark pulled him into a long passionate kiss, causing tears to fall from Sean's closed eyes. More cameras flashed and some people cheered. After their kiss, Mark pulled away slowly as an elf man with grey skin and long braided white hair stated aloud in a smug voice. "Not to ruin your moment... But your Pet is a Slum Mongrel. A troublemaker. How can you be an Elite of the people... If your mutt is covered in the names of them." The crowd around them fell into an eerie silence.

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