Part 51

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Nate glanced over his shoulder to see how fast the large Valkyrie could fly. Even with a barely functional leg, the Valkyrie didn't need it to fly. The Valkyrie had the largest wings that Nate had ever seen, and it was gaining on them fast without much effort. Behind him, Matthew huddled up against his back, mumbling something that he couldn't hear. Grabbing Matthew's arm, Nate leaned into a sharp turn that be made between two buildings. Matthew nearly fell off. It was painfully obvious that Matthew had never ridden a bike in his life. It wouldn't have bothered him... but his shifting weight was throwing off his sharp turns. Instead of making a short turn, Matthew's weight caused him to circle the building. Matthew screamed, clinging to him tighter. Pulling Matthew back up behind him, he yelled over his shoulder. "Lean with me on turns, damnit!" Yelling back over his shoulder, Matthew snapped out. "YOU'RE GOING TO GET US KILLED!"

Nate laughed loudly, shouting back. "No! BUT YOU WILL!" The Valkyrie didn't loop the building, he simply made a wide U-turn and shot back after them. Nate went into a dive to head for a tunnel below, listening to Matthew scream as he started to slide back away from him. Rolling his eyes, he squeezed the horse with his thighs and reached back to grab Matthew's knees. Grabbing them, he pulled him as close to him as he could get. Then pointing to a button on the back of the saddle, he told him sternly. "Press this!" Matthew shook his head, burying his face against his back. Nate groaned, taking the reins of the horse to level out as he flew into the crowded tunnel. The horse's hooves clipped a flew trucks as he tried to steer around the major cars. Glancing back, he smirked, when he didn't see the Valkyrie. The Valkyrie couldn't get in here with its wingspan. Pulling on the reins hard to turn the horse around a car, the horse landed and began running across the road back to where they had come in.

Behind him, Matthew whimpered out. "Nate! This isn't going to work! They can see the security cameras!" Nate let the horse run straight, before leaning back to press the button himself on the saddle. From the sides, another set of metal stirrups rolled out and locked in place. Snatching Matthew's ankle, Nate shoved his foot into it. Checking the road briefly, he helped Matthew put his other foot in the other one, telling him in a rush tone. "Better?!" Matthew only shrugged, muttering out. "No..." Nate rolled his eyes, turning his attention to the road as they rushed back out of the tunnel. To his dismay, Matthew had been right. The large Valkyrie swooped down from the top of the tunnel, flying overhead of the traffic as it chased them. Nate cursed. He hated Valkyries. To add to his frustration, more Valkyries were starting to converge on them from farther ahead. Shouting over his shoulder, he asked loudly. "How do I shake them?!" Matthew shook behind him, telling him terrified. "I don't know! They belong to Matthias!"

Nate looked around quickly as the Valkyries were drawing closer to him from the front and back. Seeing a building coming up a split in the road, he smirked devilishly. Yelling for Matthew to hang on, he yanked the horse into a drift, before revving the engine straight over the edge of the bridge. Matthew screamed as the horse dived off the bridge, causing two Valkyries to get hit by a truck as they tried to swing their blades at the horse's hindquarters. Nate didn't engage the horse's wings, he let it drop fast as he tried to aim her for the building. Grabbing Matthew's arm, he told him to brace as the horse smashed through another large glass window. The horse stumbled on the landing, rolling over and knocking into glass cubical booths. Papers and glass went flying everywhere as the horse smashed into everything as it rolled back up onto its feet. People of all species screamed and rushed for the exits. Nate looked back as the Valkyries surrounded the building, but didn't go in.

Behind him, Matthew told him over his shoulder shakily. "There are too many civilians! Someone is going to get hurt, Nate!" Nate flicked off the large Valkyrie, telling Matthew smugly. "I know." Nate whirled the horse toward the exit, trotting the horse through the crowd, practically herding them up the emergency stairs. Matthew clawed at his sides, yelling out. "What are you doing?!" Nate did his best not to run over anyone as he trotted up the steps after them, answering distractedly. "I'm exploiting a flaw in their system! Look!" Nate pointed to the glass window's they passed as they trotted up the steps. Just outside, the Valkyries were circling around the building, following their every movement. Every time they held back from attacking where he was though because of the civilians around them. Matthew shrugged, muttering out. "You can't keep doing this forever! What's your plan?!" Nate shrugged, chuckling out. "Plan? This is it." Matthew squeaked out in shock. "What?!" Nate shrugged, shouting back. "If you know an off switch for these fuckers, THAT would be helpful!"

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