Part 28

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Sean savored Nate's soft lips. Nate didn't pressure him for more, he just gave him as good as he got. Nate's hand slid up Sean's chest to hold Sean's throat in a gentle caress. Sean didn't know how long they kissed for and he didn't care. Pulling his lips from Nate's, he breathlessly whispered to him shyly. "You should charge the bike..." Clearing his throat, Sean reluctantly climbed off and moved to a worktable to lean on it. His heart was thundering in his chest. He felt so different. His emotions were never this wild before. He had been able to control everything with a level head... but Mark had done something to him. He had opened flood gates to things he'd never let himself feel and now he couldn't shut them off. Clawing the metal table, Sean stared blankly at the tools at the tabletop. What would his life had been like if he hadn't left? Would he have ever let Nate in? Hands touched his shoulders, causing Sean to curl up a bit. He felt too vulnerable.

Nate kept his hands still on him, whispering over his shoulder with concern. "Are you ok?" Sean huffed lightly, replying without looking at him. "I'm fine. I just... I'm lost. I used to know what I wanted and now... My thoughts and emotions are just caught up in a spinning wheel." Nate wrapped his arms around his shoulders to hug him, warmly purring into his ear. "Why are you always spinning your tires, Sean? Don't you understand? You've already won me. But I'll wait for as long as it takes for you to slow down." Nate slid his arms off him, stepping away. Sean brushed a hand over one of Nate's arms, feeling his heart ache as Nate pulled away. Turning around, he leaned his hips back on the worktable to watch Nate with fragile eyes. Nate kneeled by his bike to check the charge, starting to tell him casually. "The battery is a bit old... So, if we wait an hour it should have enough charge to get us away from the city. But after that-" Sean stepped up quickly to Nate, causing him to stop mid-sentence.

Nate followed Sean's legs up to his face, asking nervously. "Sean?" Sean reached down to grab Nate's jacket by the collar, pulling him up to his feet. Nate obeyed, his eyes glancing around for signs of trouble. Cupping his face, Sean stepped in against Nate and whispered to him. "Nate... I need you to save me from myself." Nate raised an eyebrow, but Sean covered his mouth before he could ask. Sean could barely breathe. His heart felt like it was spinning out of control, like a tire about to catch fire. Holding Nate's head steady, Sean brought his lips closer, pleading with him breathlessly. "I can't slow down... I need you to give me something to chase." Sean kissed Nate hungrily, holding him close to his own body. Nate got the message. Prying his lips off his, Nate asked breathlessly. "Are you sure about this? We can wait." Sean pressed his forehead to Nate's, firmly saying. "This is my choice. My life. I need to do this... before my choices are taken from me."

Nate nodded, sliding his hands up Sean's chest to lift his shirt. Sean helped yank his shirt off, then pushed Nate's jacket off his shoulders. Nate tossed the jacket to the floor, quickly removing his own shirt. Sean leaned in to kiss Nate's tanned chest and neck with tender kisses. Nate moaned, then bent down to heft Sean up into his arms. Sean wrapped his legs around Nate's waist, chuckling shyly as Nate set him on the worktable. Nate removed Sean's boots and Sean lifted his hips to let Nate pull his pants down. After they were off, Nate took a minute to kiss Sean's chest and throat with loving kisses that made Sean giggle. He couldn't believe he was letting himself do this... but for the first time. He wasn't afraid to try it. He was doing this for him and no one else. Nate stepped back to remove his own boots and pants, when Sean slipped off the worktable to ask him with flushed cheeks. "Get on the bike." Nate glanced at his bike, before swinging his leg over it. Sean waited for him to get comfortable, before holding his shoulders and swinging his leg over Nate's lap.

Nate pulled Sean's hips over him better, purring up against his lips. "Does it turn you on to have an engine between your legs?" Sean cupped Nate's jaw, blushing a brighter red as he whispered over his lips. "Yes. Does that scare you?" Nate shook his head, licking his dry lips with a bright grin. Wrapping his arms around Sean's bare back, Nate briefly kissed Sean before answering in a bold breathless voice. "Nothing you do scares me. I'm yours to command." Sean kissed him so passionately that he forgot what they were doing... until Nate spread his cheeks. Breaking the kiss, Sean buried his face in Nate's neck, pleading to him shakily. "Go easy on me..." Nate kissed his shoulder, sweetly comforting him. "I'll go slow." Sean kept his breathing steady right up until he felt Nate's tip try to push in. Tensing up, Sean rose higher over Nate's shoulder. Nate carefully wrapped his arms around Sean's hips to anchor him back down. Upon trying again, Sean tensed and jerked in his lap. Nate loosened his grip, purring to Sean sweetly. "Sean, talk to me. If you don't want to do this..."

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