Part 36

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Mark kept his hand between Nate's shoulder blades. It was a subtle way of reminding Nate that he was close and that not all touches were painful. Glancing at Matthew, he waited for him to give him the cue to start. When he didn't, Mark gestured him closer with his head. Matthew inched closer, until he was close enough that Mark told him casually. "Pay attention, Matt. I may be a substitute for you, but he's your Pet." Matthew nodded, looking a little uneasy. Mark held the crop firmly to Nate's lower back, saying softly. "Shall I begin?" Matthew straightened himself up properly, giving him the nod. Mark slid his hand up to Nate's shoulder, holding on to it to steady him, before smacking him with the crop with the flick of his wrist. The leather snapped against Nate's lower back, leaving a light red line with little force. Nate gritted his teeth with a deep groan. Mark looked at Matthew who began the count. After Matthew counted, Mark stated out. "Apologize." Nate snorted, growling out through his teeth. "Go fuck yourself."

Mark moved the crop to a new spot on Nate's back and repeated the process. This time he hit him a bit harder to make a slightly redder line. Nate's fingers curled over the bar as he controlled his breaths with slow deep inhales. Mark shook his head with disappointment. Nate was trying to block him out. Stepping to the side of Nate, he moved his hand down to touch Nate's abs. Raising the crop, Mark looked at Sean. Sean's face was torn with worry. He wouldn't like this. Raising the crop, Mark smacked Nate across the back of his thighs. Nate jerked in the restraints with a high-pitched scream, his legs raising off the floor as he pulled his legs up. Matthew winced, his eyes lowering to the floor as he counted out in a low voice. "Three..." Mark couldn't have that, reaching out with the crop, he tapped the underside of Matthew's chin. When Matthew looked up, Mark told him seriously. "Never take your eyes off of him. Learn his signs... Or you won't know when to stop." Mark stepped around to stand just off to the side of Nate's line of sight, telling him bluntly. "Apologize."

Nate whined a few seconds, then glared at Mark to sneer out. "No." Mark raised the crop, striking Nate across his side and leaving a bright red mark from the blow. Nate thrashed in the restraints with another sharp cry. Mark waited as Matthew counted, then pressed the crop to Nate's cheek, saying in a cool tone. "This is the last time I'm going to ask. Then you'll have to say it on your own." Nate jerked his head away from the crop, snapping out to the crowd. "I've done nothing wrong! You can't just use us to your hearts content!" Mark raised a hand to silence the growing disgust in the crowd, before correcting calmly. "This isn't about how we treat the uncivilized Slum Dogs. This is about the innocent Pets and Masters you killed to get to MY PET. Pets and Masters that were simply in your gangs way. If you don't like how we treat the Slum Dogs... Then you should have thought about how we'd respond to watching your gang run down OUR unarmed people." The crowd clapped and grunted in agreement. Nate clenched his jaw tightly, his dark eyes staring down Mark as he growled out menacingly through his teeth. "You can all go to hell."

Mark huffed, stepping closer to Nate to whisper to him discreetly over his shoulder. "Hell is afraid of me... As you should be." Grabbing Nate's jaw to keep him from trying to bite him, Mark flipped the crop around and brought it to Nate's ass. Pressing his lips close to Nate's ear, he told him softly. "You think you have such control... Let's find out." Mark stepped on Nate's foot to pin it down and slowly pushed the ribbed rubber handle into Nate's ass. Listening to him try and suppress surprised whimpers, Mark stood completely still. Mark felt him jerk and quiver as the embarrassment sank in for him. Nate's cheeks were turning a bright red as he hung his head to hide his shame. Mark released his neck, letting his hand trail down to hold his twitching cock. Staring at Nate with a smug grin, Mark stated into his ear coolly. "That's better." Mark detached the end of the crop, letting the gold anal plug stay in Nate. Moving back behind Nate, Mark resumed hitting him with the crop until his back was covered in thick red lines.

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