Part 60

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Sean stood back against the hospital wall, while Matthew explained how Mother was destroyed. Mark listened closely to everything, then told Matthew seriously. "Matthew... Are you SURE that she's erased? Mother may have put her original program in my watch... but she could have back-up files in Valhalla Tower. And besides, that USB you made only wipes viruses and old data. It is possible you've only cleaned up programing." Matthew rolled his eyes, leaning back in the chair beside the hospital bed as he said coolly. "Come on. Give me some credit. I'm not stupid. I had the two... vessels she made looked over and melted down. I even oversaw it done to confirm it. I've done full data scans on every main computer we own, and I have Cherubs scanning every computer in Valhalla for any other traces of her program. Nothing has come up so far." Mark sat up a little, asking in a hushed tone. "Matthew... What about Valhalla tower?"

Matthew shifted nervously, answering him reluctantly. "It's gone... Apparently, one of her Class eight Valkyries self-destructed... Everything is gone. All the book data from the past. The research I had done... All gone. I've been doing everything from scratch. Trying to save data from other computers and systems... It's a mess." Mark gawked at Matthew in horror, before blurting out. "What is running the power in Valhalla?!" Matthew inhaled slowly, answering a bit distressed. "Eros. He's using the solar power storages. It helps but we are burning through power. I've got orders in place to regulate power usage... but I don't know how long that will last. I've tried to talk to the off-worlders, but I can't speak to them... So, they just ignore me." Matthew hung his head, almost crying as he said. "Mark... The Nobles are scared and the Off-worlders are nervous. The Slums are a disaster, and I don't know what to do with them! If I let them go... They'll storm the gates without enough power! Everyday more stuff is breaking, and I can't... I don't know what to do! It was never my job to do these things!"

Mark reached out with his good hand to hold Matthew's hand, telling him calmly. "Alright. Calm down. One thing at a time. I can call a meeting with the off-worlders. I'll let them know what is going on and call in some favors to help protect our defenses. Eros and the Cherubs were designed for these emergencies. You have my watch?" Matthew fished for it out of his pocket, handing it to him as he told him shakily. "I had to melt the old one down to be safe... but I saved what I could and transferred it to this one." Mark took the watch, telling Matthew seriously. "That's fine. Matthew, send me the reports coming in. When is the cut off for power?" Matthew held up a finger and began messing with his watch to send info to Mark's new watch. Sean stood silent feeling like a shadow. Nate began to pace behind Matthew, before blurting out sourly. "We should discuss the Slum Dogs that you have imprisoned!"

Matthew let out a heavy exhale, before turning to say firmly. "They aren't imprisoned. And we've talked about this. I can't let them just wonder around. They are criminals! You've said so yourself! I can't have them murdering Nobles for the fun of it or robbing them. Nate, they are fine where they are. Trust me, please." Mark asked where they were, and Matthew told him about using the auction storage cages. Nate butted in before Mark could reply. "Some are criminals... but not all of them! There are children in there! There are decent people in there that are terrified for their lives!" Matthew turned in his chair more, rushing out a bit loudly. "How am I to tell the good ones from the bad ones, Nate?! I don't know them! I feel for your friends, I do! But I've got millions of people HERE depending on me for safety! I'm trying!" Sean crossed his arms over his chest, staring at Nate with worry. He could tell Nate was building up to something. Nate glanced at him and Sean shook his head.

Nate ignored him, blurting out firmly. "Instate Sean as an Elite." Matthew launched from his seat, standing to face Nate as he snapped out. "Are you crazy?!" Sean looked to Mark with fragile eyes. Mark watched Matthew and Nate fight with a confused look, then his eyes drifted to meet his. Sean straightened up, hugging his chest tighter. Mark looked him over and Sean couldn't breathe. Was there anything he remembered about him? Nate moved closer to the bed, drawing Mark's attention away as he pleaded with him. "Sean is an Elite. You have forgotten, but it's true! Sean knows the leaders of the Slum better than anyone. He's won so many races that the Slum leaders have all talked to him at one point or another. We've traded with them. Made deals. Let HIM handle the Slum dogs. Please!" Mark stiffened, saying coolly. "Even if I did do that... Where would you have them go? The Nobles would revolt and the Off-worlders would question our motivates for letting a bunch of animals run wild through our streets."

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