Part 50

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Setting the tech on the glass coffee table from Matthew, Nate didn't care how the blood would stain it. He finished bandaging Matthew up, then scooped him up into his arms to lay him across the couch. Nate glanced at the door, listening to Mark's muffled words for a moment. Collecting his knife and the tech, he took them to the sink to clean them off. He wanted a better look at this stuff. After cleaning his pocket tools, he stashed it away in his boot. Washing the chips, he examined them more closely. Why were these in Matthew? Did Mark have them in him too? When the muffled voices stopped beyond the door, Nate shut off the water. Setting the stuff aside, he moved to the front door to peek out of the small hole. Mark was gone. Shaking his head, he cursed. Sliding his hands down the door, he tried to figure out how to open it. Noticing the scanner, he placed his hand on it, but it denied him. Frustrated, he smacked the door. He had to get out of here.

Behind him, a cool voice told him. "I haven't put you in the system yet. The house doesn't recognize you." Nate slowly turned, growling out. "Open it." Matthew sat up slowly, pulling a blanket down from the back of the couch as he asked him wearily. "Why? Don't you get it...? There is nowhere for you to go." Nate walked to the back of the other couch, grabbing it aggressively as he said aloud. "He needs me. I'm not going to just sit here! I should have been there! You had no right to leave me here!" Matthew sighed, mumbling out. "I... I was trying to protect you. I didn't know what Mother was going to do..." Nate leaned more over the couch, yelling out. "I DON'T NEED PROTECTING! Because of you they got him!" Matthew bowed his head, hugging the blanket to his chest as he grimly mumbled out with teary eyes. "I... I know. I'm sorry..." Nate's anger melted away. He hated seeing Matthew cry. It reminded him too much of Sean. Taking a silent breath, Nate calmly walked around and kneeled beside Matthew.

Hesitantly putting a hand on Matthew's leg to comfort him, Nate avoided Matthew's eyes as he asked a little nicer. "Make it up to me. Let me go." Matthew shook his head, telling him through a sniffle. "I can't. You'll get caught. And if Matthias gets his hands on you... I already blame myself for Sean. I can't handle your loss too." Nate removed his hand, sternly replying. "You can't keep me locked in here. He needs me! And no offense... But your brother will NEVER find him. I CAN!" Matthew turned emotionless eyes on Nate, stating out firmly. "I said no. You don't know Mark. He built those Slums. He can handle people and he can survive through anything. He-" Nate stood up, bracing his hands on the couch on either side of Matthew's shoulders, causing Matthew to go silent and look at him with timid eyes. Staring into his eyes, Nate told him without flinching. "He hasn't lived there. He doesn't know the people there. Whatever that crazy mother of yours is up too... It's going to take more than just some buffed Elite to save him."

Matthew blinked, asking in a mousey voice. "Why do you care so much about Sean? You know that he... That he loves Mark." Nate felt the pain of his words like a dagger in the heart, but he answered him as honestly as he could. "Sean has always been there for me. Even when we fight, we look out for each other. He may not love me... but it doesn't change the fact that he means a lot to me. He'd come looking for me if our roles were switched. He'd never leave me behind. So, I'm not going to abandon him now. He needs me. I can feel it." Matthew sniffled, shaking his head as he whispered out. "You'll never manage to get out of this city..." Nate huffed, rolling his eyes as he told him. "People told me that I couldn't break into Valhalla either. My raid made history. Don't underestimate me. As long as I have the will, I will find a way." Nate gently grabbed one of Matthew's bandaged wrists, adding in softly. "Your brother would do the same for you. You're just going to let him face them down alone?"

Matthew's eyes drifted down to his wrist, before he mumbled out to him reluctantly. "Nate... I'm not like my brothers. I'm not strong. I'm an introvert. I rarely leave my house. I rarely talk to people. All I had was my Pet and Matthias took her... I... I can't help anyone." Nate swallowed; he had a strong urge welling up in him. He needed Matthew to believe he was more. Letting go of Matthew's wrist, Nate cupped Matthew's cheek. Tilting his head back with his thumb, Nate lowered his lips down to his in a tender kiss. Nate kept the kiss light. He didn't want to scare him. Although, he found himself more terrified by it. Matthew's lips were so soft that Nate didn't have the strength to pull away from him. His heart leapt in his chest, causing a rush to flood his veins until his head was swimming with a mixture of feelings. This had never happened to him before. When he felt like he was going to fall over from being lightheaded, he forced himself to pull back from the kiss.

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