Part 30

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Sean stayed huddled up on the seat, glancing out the tinted window. He had called the Slums his home for so long. Now looking at it, he felt like a stranger. It didn't feel possible. How had his perception of it changed so much? Cautiously his eyes drifted over to Mark. Mark was leaning over his legs, pulling splinters from his bleeding hand. Watching him for a minute, his heartbeat became steadier. Something about Mark was calming. Looking more closely at Mark's hand, he watched the blood leak down the sides and splatter against the black rug. Mark didn't appear to feel pain. Lifting his chin from his raised knees, he asked Mark in a fragile voice. "Why did you grab the bat... Don't you have a shield that-" Without looking up, Mark muttered out under his breath. "It doesn't work outside the city." Sean laid his head across his knees, asking him in a defeated voice. "Why did you come for me?" Mark finally looked up at him, answering in a serious tone. "Why wouldn't I?" Sean tried to hide a sniffle as he said shakily. "Because I ran... I'm like them..."

Mark huffed sarcastically, wrapping his hand up in a cloth from a kit he had retrieved from a compartment in the door. Sean turned fragile eyes on Mark, who told him without hesitation. "I've met a lot of Slum Dogs. You aren't like them." Sean shook his head, retorting in a wispy voice. "You're wrong..." Mark finished tying his bandage, before sternly telling him. "If you were. I would not have come for you." Passing through the gates of Valhalla, Sean hugged his legs tighter. Valhalla had so many rules that he didn't understand. What would they do to him after the raid at the Expo? The limo pulled into a familiar housing building and Sean hated that he felt safe. Mark rolled down the window to announce the floor and the platform took them up. Reaching their floor, Mark opened the door and told him to get out. Hesitantly, Sean moved to the car door. Upon reaching the door, Sean stopped. Glancing back at Mark, he saw him shifting to follow him. Stepping out, Sean covered his hard on. None of the Valkyries paid him any attention, but he still felt ashamed.

Standing in the lights of the car port, he could see the dirt and oil clinging to his pale skin. He was filthy. Mark stepped out behind him, removing what looked like a gun from under his jacket. Sean stiffened, watching him turn a dial on it until the light turned a soft pink. Mark cocked the top of the gun, locking it into place and exposing a thick needle like tip. Sean stepped away from him, stammering out. "What are you doing?!" Mark locked expressionless eyes on him, uttering out. "Working. Now stay out of the way." Mark turned to a Valkyrie and nodded. The Valkyrie backed up to the trunk and began to unlock it. Sean stepped forward, asking Mark nervously. "You're not going to hurt him, are you? Mark, let me talk to him. I can-" Mark turned dark eyes on him, causing Sean to stop talking. In a stern tone, Mark told him bluntly. "He'll get the same treatment you got... Until I can figure out what to do with him." Sean tried to grab Mark's arm, but he moved away to the trunk.

The second the trunk popped open; Nate kicked the Valkyrie in the chest. The Valkyrie toppled backward, causing others to rush in. Sean called out to Nate, but Nate was frantic. Nate rolled from the trunk wielding a rod he had found in there. Sean rushed forward, but Mark grabbed his arm to stop him. The Valkyries surrounded Nate and dodged his wild swings. Sean called his name, causing Nate to look in his direction. In that split second, the Valkyries grabbed Nate's arms and kicked his legs to force him to his knees. Sean struggled against Mark's grip, yelling out. "Stop it! Don't hurt him!" Mark shoved Sean back into the arms of another Valkyrie behind him, moving toward Nate casually. Sean thrashed and pleaded with Mark that he didn't have to do it. Mark didn't listen. Approaching Nate, a Valkyrie grabbed Nate's head to keep him from biting Mark. Mark brought the gun to Nate's neck and shot something into him with a hiss from the gun. Within seconds, Nate was acting groggy. The Valkyries loosened their grip, monitoring him as Nate fell into a sitting position and then slowly laid across the pavement.

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