Part 22

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Sean slid his hand up from Mark's bicep to his shoulder, forcing himself to push Mark until his lips left his. Mark's hand stopped on Sean's thigh, holding it against his hip. Sean lowered his head to keep Mark from trying to kiss him again. He couldn't even bare to look at him. Through the blissful haze of tender affection that his heart danced through, his mind cleared enough to force out breathlessly. "I thought Masters don't fuck their Pets?" Mark brushed his lips over the top of his ear, whispering to him. "That's true... Even more so for the Elites. However... I feel like trying with you." Sean tilted his head away from Mark's warm lips, whispering uneasily. "Why? I'm a Slum Dog. Aren't you afraid to get your cock dirty? Or worse?" Mark huffed, kissing his bare shoulder briefly before replying sweetly. "I know your clean. I bathed you myself. As for why... After seeing you with Al, I realized that I don't think I can let you be touched like that by anyone else. I want to be the only one to bring you pleasure."

Sean swallowed, closing his eyes as he shakily mumbled out. "That doesn't work for me. I won't let you. I tolerate you touching me... but that's where I'm drawing the line." A throaty chuckle left Mark, before he purred out playfully. "Is that so? Tell me... Were you thinking about that line when you made that bet?" Sean opened his eyes, locking them on Mark with a guarded look. Mark's eyes were gentle, upon adding on sweetly. "I don't think you know what you want. And you're even more afraid of finding out. But you don't have to be afraid. Whatever happens is strictly between us. I won't tell anyone." Sean thrashed, until he could climb off the couch. Mark didn't stop him, he simply sat up to get out of his way. Sean moved out of his arms reach, snapping out defensively. "Of course, you won't say anything! What's to brag about, right? I'm a filthy Slum Dog! Not someone you want to brag about to the Nobles. And for your information, I made the bet because I'm going to use that drive to escape, you arsehole!"

Mark lazily leaned on the back of the couch, coolly saying aloud. "Are you upset because I won't brag about it? Or are you upset that sleeping me is something that YOU can't admit too?" Sean shuffled his feet, feeling like he had backed himself into a corner. Mark was deliberately pretending not to have heard about his plan to escape. He was mocking him with a statement like that. Unable to think of anything to say back, he simply snapped out at him. "Shut up!" Sean quickly stormed off toward his room. Slamming his door, he fell back against it and slid down it to sit on the floor. Bowing his head, he ran his hands through his hair to try and calm himself down. Shaking his head, he bitterly growled out under his breath. "Arsehole... I won't be a notch on his bedpost. I may be a Slum Dog... but I'm not a whore. I've got standards." Sean shook his head, closing his eyes as he mumbled out in a softer tone. "Fucking hell... What's wrong with me...?"

Shifting up onto his feet, he moved to the bed and fell across it weakly. Burying his face in the sheets, he let out a muffled yell as he pounded his fists aggressively into the pillows. After he burned out his energy, he flipped over and stared up at the ceiling blankly. It was times like this that he wanted to go for a ride to clear his head. Closing his eyes, he imagined the hum of the engine and the gentle breeze as it rushed over his face at high speeds down a long stretch of road. After a few minutes of picturing the perfect ride down an endless road... He fell into a deep sleep without realizing it. It was a beautiful dream, until Mark shouted into the room. "Sean! Get up! We're gonna be late!" Hearing his voice in his dream, Sean yelped as his bike suddenly hit the brakes and sent him flying. Jerking awake on all fours, he stayed still for a minute to catch his breath. He had been dreaming about that beautiful escape? That sucked. Mark strolled into the room, smacking his ass lightly as he set coffee on his bedside table and he told him seriously. "Dress to impress, Underdog. You need to work for those parts."

Sean arched his back like a cat to watch Mark leave. The second he was gone, Sean rolled off the bed to get dressed. He wasn't excited about the Expo, but he was excited to get his baby's parts. Dressing in his torn tight black jeans, a bright green tank top, and his black leather jacket with the green dragon's colors. He then put in his black ear gauges and slipped on his knee-high buckle boots, and his fingerless gloves. If the Nobles were going to see him, then he was going to go as the Slum Dog he was. He debated about removing the chain collar but left it. If they wanted him to wear a collar... then he'd wear it his way. Stepping out of the room, he saw Mark smirk at him. Sean stopped short looking at him though. Mark was dressed so differently. He wore clean cut white jean pants with black strips up the sides. He wore a black t-shirt and a white leather jacket. Mark adjusted his fingerless white gloves, then set a pair of white visor glasses with gold lenses on his head. Did Mark own a bike?

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