Part 40

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Sean followed Frank to a truck that was parked in a small lot off the side of the stadium. He was distracted though by the other vehicles that he saw driving up into a four-lane starting line. He had never seen so many different types of vehicles and racers. The ones that stood out to him the most were a set of aquatic vehicles. The vehicles had pipes that were pumping water into the main bubble compartments of their custom made aquatic car, bike, a small submarine looking vehicle, and a small looking pirate ship looking boat car. The racers about to use them looked even more interesting. The biggest of them was a great white shark looking man. He was as big as Al but with twice the muscles and sleek grey skin with a white stripe down his chest. He smirked at Sean, flashing him rows of sharp white teeth. Al growled back at the shark man and the shark man called out in a deep threatening voice. "You're going to lose, Al! This year it's MINE!" Al huffed back at the shark man, snapping out darkly. "In your dreams, Dwight!" Dwight crossed his muscular arms, revealing the fins sprouting from his elbows as he growled back. "In my dreams you're extinct!"

Frank casually walked back to push Al onward. Al snorted, growling under his breath. "Cold blooded, trash eating, fishmonger!" Frank patted Al's shoulder, telling him seriously. "He's just pissed that those muscles don't help him win." Nate snickered and Al chuckled. Turning slightly, Frank told Sean discreetly. "Watch out for them. Those four work well together. So, if you see one, look for the others. Don't let them surround you or they'll run you into a trap." Ricky grunted, saying bitterly. "Ya... They usually get second because they pick a team member and focus on wiping them out. Watch out for their mermaid Speed racer. She'll isolate you from us and let her Power crew take you out." Sean curiously looked back at the aquatic bike. Laying flat across the back of the bike in a sleek bubble cap was a colorful mermaid that was revving her engine. Her rainbow colored long hair was braided and pinned back with shells to keep her hair from going wild in the water.

Frank pointed to the vehicles parked just outside his truck, telling them proudly. "Here they are. Fresh off my new line. I call them gold class." Sean moved toward a shiny gold bike with white leather seats. Touching the handlebars, Sean mumbled out. "What is with Valhalla's obsession with Gold?" Frank chuckled, strolling over as he told him. "It's a powerful look. Showcases power and control. You can't look at gold without feeling it." Al ran a hand across the door of his new truck, purring out. "To put it simply. It's an intimidation tactic." Nate moved to look over a gold metal horse. The horse snorted and looked Nate over with bright glowing white eyes as he told Frank nervously. "It also makes you a big target... What in the world...?" Frank quickly moved over to Nate, patting the neck of the horse as he told him. "Beautiful, isn't he? He's a Tech vehicle. I overheard this young Pet talking at the garage about horses and got the idea for him. He's full of surprises."

Sean chuckled aloud to Frank. "So, you took the term 'Horsepower' literally?" Frank crossed his arms, confidently retorting. "I dare you to try him." Sean shook his head, happily replying. "No thanks. I like my speed. I'm not a Tech runner. He'd be wasted on me." Nate stroked the nose of the horse, curiosity prompting him to say. "I'll try him. How does he work?" Frank grinned, patting the built-in white saddle as he told him. "Hop on. Strap in and his saddle data pad will explain." Nate went to get on, but Frank grabbed his arm to stop him. Sean looked up as another man tossed both Sean and Nate black leather pants with green stripes down the sides of the legs. Before Sean could say anything, Frank told them seriously. "You have to wear a team uniform. Now... I can't give you the jackets because I can't cover the names on you. But I can give you pants to at least protect your legs out there." Nate quickly slipped on the pants. While Sean asked Frank curiously. "Won't you get in trouble for this?" Frank shrugged, honestly saying. "I'm technically obeying the team racing law. And no one wrote any names around your lower half... So, I should be good."

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