Part 24

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Mark took a deep breath. He just had to stay calm. He could work around this. He was an Elite. Waving the simulation operator away from the computer, he told the man seriously. "Move. I'll run the Sim." The man quickly scrambled out of the seat, asking him nervously. "Yes, Elite Mark. What should I do?" Mark adjusted the seat by turning a dial on the chair, replying coolly. "I want you to run a facial recognition on someone." The man leaned on the desk by him, saying casually. "Alright. Through which database?" Mark spun a half-ball on the desk to rewind the recorded Simulation's memory. Bringing up the image of the man that Sean was first thinking of, he cut the image by tracing his finger around the edges. Touching the cut piece, he inserted a clear holographic disc into the computer with his free hand. Transferring the image to the disc, he ejected the disc and handed it to the man, answering firmly. "He's human. Run it through Valhalla and Slum records."

The man took the disc, looking over the man's image on the holographic disc as he asked him curiously. "Can I ask why this is important, for the record?" Mark jerked his sleeve back to reveal his watch, bringing up the security footage around Sean's showcase from earlier. Freezing the image of the stranger, he showed the desk man, then gestured toward the audience glass. The man glanced at the audience, saying softly. "What is it?" Mark looked at the faces of the audience, commenting dryly. "This man interacted with my Pet... but he's not here." The man shrugged, answering coolly. "That doesn't necessarily mean anything. Nobles often look at Pets without paying to see them." Mark tried to zoom in on the stranger's hand on the showcase glass, but Sean was standing in the way. He could tell there was something written on his hand. However, the camera couldn't clear the image with Sean covering the majority of it. He could only make out a letter or two in the first two lines. Shaking his head, he told the desk man seriously. "No. He wasn't a Noble. My Pet knew him..."

The desk man gave him another shrug, dropping into a seat that rose up from the floor. Scooting up to the desk with him, the desk man booted up another set of screens, answering him professionally. "As you wish. You'd know better than I." The desk man slipped in the disc, his screens starting to scan the facial image and compare it to the database. Mark turned the Sim ball to see what Sean was thinking off now. Just as he caught up to the image of himself fucking Sean across the bike, he glanced at the Nobles. The Nobles all blushed, chatting amongst themselves. Mark flicked a switch to listen in on them with a stern expression. One of the Nobles told another in a smug tone. "As if that Slum Dog could handle an Elite like that. Elite Mark would no doubt tear that impure mutt apart with all those enhancements he's had." The Nobles laughed, then one added in with a giggle. "Give the Slum Dog a break... Compared to the trash he's used to getting mounted by, Elite Mark is a god!" The only Noble that wasn't laughing was the man with his Succubus Pet.

The woman was pressed close to the glass, her long tail swaying behind her as she watched Sean. Her Master pet her back, ignoring the other Nobles. Mark knew why he was here. The Succubus was clearly ready to breed. However, in order to do that... She needed to feed on a male's testosterone internally. Which was done by her sticking her special tongue down the male's throat to his balls. Inevitably killing the male during the mating process by suffocation. So, despite her Master paying more to view... he'd rigged it to get a better view at the stranger that had interested Sean so much. He knew all the Nobles in Valhalla... and this man wasn't one of them. Yet, he had acted so calmly to winning something that he had not intended to win. How had he managed to get past his brother's tight security? Mark watched the Sim of himself practically rape Sean on his bike now. Which judging by the way Sean was jerking in the restraints and belting out powerful moans, he was enjoying himself. Some of the moans were so good that Mark had to pull his sleeve back down to cover the goosebumps springing up on his arms.

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