Chapter 8 Pt. 3

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Astaroth hurried and desperately looked for one demon that she believed would help her. She walked back to the stone meeting room where the dark one addressed those of the high court to find it empty. There wasn't a sign of any other demons. However, a commotion was audible within the realm. She paused, placing her hand over her mouth, her chin tucked in, she listened to the sounds echo from outside the hidden and protected quarters of the dark realm.

There before her eyes stood Meridian and the guides that came in support of her, to take back Astaroth's play toy. Aside from the guides, the elemental fairy nymphs were ready to take back Echo from Lahash. The moment of her arrival, scores of demon soldiers were on their way, and came from within the small cave openings surrounding the dark realm. The members of the high demon court all stood together for Meridian's much-awaited appearance. The one demon that Astaroth was looking for, stood right in front of her; Lahash was on the front line.

His legs stiff, arms crossed in front of his body accompanied by his usual cocky grin. Behind him, a trio of demons. Moloch the soul collector, Valefor and of course Warrick. Astaroth moved quietly and mostly unnoticed by the guides and the fairies as they had their eyes glued to the demons that stood squarely in front of them.

Meridian stood in front and center, her face tight and her jaw locked, and her mesmerizing green eyes squinted at the site of the demons. Beside her in confidence Slaten and Pramlee, there to confront their father. Talon, Relic and Kieren had taken the back of the group, while the fairies stood in the flanking position.

Meridian said, "We have come for Aiden and Echo. I demand their release at once!"

Before another word uttered from Meridian or anyone else, the great but unnerving baritone voice interrupted the lively exchange.

"A noble and special soul was he

Giving his own life to set you free

Aiden may have lost his way

Some deceivers would rather play

Recount the times to have passed

Who was it that deceived you last?"

The dark one's voice, slow and deliberate spouted his cryptic riddle, taking amusement in Meridian's pain. His voice trailed off, as though he was waiting on something, but not the answer to the riddle which was anyone's guess. Relic, the spirit guide who had his fill of demonic riddles ridden with deceit, took an ironic attitude toward the dark one.

"And here we go again. Another riddle. Who deceived you last? Well, that list is long but distinguished." Relic broke away from his supporters, marching around the dark realm as though he was doing the place a favor by being there. Halfcocked grin, backed with a hint of rage, his cloak of sarcasm was unraveling, revealing the source of his anger and frustration.

"So, we are all here, Echo has been kidnapped, Aiden's soul has been stolen, and I'll bet Mr. Warrick still has it in for Meridian." He snorted. "So I can't imagine why this is happening or what is next, so do us all a favor and cut the games and the tricks. I'd rather have a go at it and watch the demons incinerate into dust!" Relic shouted as his voice deepened with rage.

Lahash was quite taken with his arch-nemesis similar rogue attitude on display and he sauntered forward to engage the loose cannon. With his arms crossed to his chest accompanied by the nonchalant attitude, his face darkened despite a quick snort. "Oh Relic, I don't believe that you and I have had the pleasure to formally make one another's acquaintance."

Relic did not appear to have noticed Lahash's quiet approach while stuck in this tempestuous swagger display. Caught off guard, Relic drew a sharp breath to continue, but in surprise, he shuffled his feet backward, kicking up grit from the ground.

"Oh, sure you. Yes. How could I overlook the King of the dark realm? I believe you got what you wanted; you captured a nymph. What do you want?" Relic's eyes narrowed, turning away from the demon.

Lahash's face grimaced as if he were suddenly disappointed. Sullen and with the diminished light within the dark realm, his eyes appeared hollow and sunken. "Relic, you and I share similar tastes, don't we? We both have a thing for nymphs." Lahash parted his mouth, sucked in a quick breath.

Relic turned to face Lahash, sharing a similar aura full of disdain and disgust. "Lahash, I didn't have to kidnap my nymph, she and I share a common interest in one another." Relic's tone was dismissive.

Lahash tipped his head back, opening his mouth as he let out a laugh. "Or is that what she wants you to believe?" Lahash suddenly appeared inches from Relic, they both stood squarely with locked eyes. "You see Relic, you may have your charms, but you lack sense. The entire scope of a nymph's existence to use the lustful ways of others against them, nothing more, nothing less. No matter what you feel or think, it is you who should be watching your back."

Relic's face angered and his lip curled as he shoved Lahash back out of his face. "There is no reason for the nymphs to use us for anything. You are the one being used by trying to use her. We know what you are out for. You want to destroy the nymphs." Relic's anger was rising as his breathing and speech rushed.

Talon moved closer behind Meridian; his yellow eyes surveyed the demons as they watched the exchange. He was not sure how Lahash would respond, in the past he was always for himself. He continued to move closer behind Meridian, and he whispered, "Careful Meridian. I know it upsets you about this. Lahash is as ruthless as he is cunning. Remember we are on their turf."

Lahash darted his eyes away from Relic, "Ah yes, our turf. I love how you put it so eloquently Talon. Is there anything else your precious Meridian needs to know? How did you all break into the realm? Did you use the same entrance as before? Any other fairies you would like to share with us? Echo has been a real charge of fun here. I like her." Lahash sneered at Relic. "I think she will stay. As far as Aiden, well I couldn't care less, but I think you will have to fight her for Aiden." Lahash stepped backward, opening up the line of sight to reveal Astaroth who thought she snuck in unnoticed.

There she stood, long blonde hair, a light pink chiffon dress and pale pink lips to match. She froze and looked around at everyone looking back at her. She looked to Moloch, the demon who stole Aiden's soul for some semblance of support but Moloch looked down and away from Astaroth's stare.

"Do not look to me Astaroth. My favor to you was to take his soul, we had no agreement in my helping you keep him."

Astaroth snarled and took in a sharp breath. "Wait, a minute! You are the soul collector. His soul is stuck here with us, with me!" she shouted.

Moloch shook his head and made no attempts to argue or mince words with the fiery demon. A moment later all the demons stepped away, opening up the circle letting the guides see full well who the demoness was who had taken Aiden.

Talon put his large hand to get Meridian to take a pause in her first reaction to approach the demoness. "No. Wait." He said.

The fairies moved in, and Karma made sure that she stood next to Talon in the upcoming confrontation. "Astaroth, you have been quite busy, haven't you? You are keeping a stolen soul. Release him at once." Karma demanded.

The stone on her necklace glowed bright red and shimmered with the swirls of lights from within the stone. "Moloch, I will see to it that the punishment from the universe finds you for your theft!" Karma shouted.

Fromthe crimson smoky atmosphere, a strike of lightning jolted down and lit up thehardened and crusty ground of the dark realm. Propelling a yellow and orange bolt pushing its way away from the strikepoint. Like a bullet, the stream ofpower shot through the dirt headed straight for Moloch.

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