Chapter 24 PT 2

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            Meanwhile, back at the gateway to the hall of souls, Valefor unlocked the door. With a mere crack in the door, a beautiful blinding light surged through. Suddenly, the door swung open vigorously, blowing back the demons from the stairs.

Lahash, who knew that the pure light of the angels would singe him, promptly removed himself from the light and remained in the shadow and then disappeared from the castle.

Astaroth and Warrick had no chance to move, and they were lit up and engulphed in flames, while Valefor remained mostly untouched. As Astorath and Warrick fought to quell the heat and flames, Valefor attempted to walk in, but he was stopped when a large, lighted being appeared from within the hall.

The mystery being spoke out, shaking the entire castle, and pieces of the beautiful artwork fell from the ceiling. "Demons are not welcome in Etheria, and they are not welcomed in the hall of souls. Only the pure may enter here, the divine and the strong. You demon will retreat back into the dark and evil place you come from!"

Valefor backed away, and he nearly tripped over his feet as he stepped back down the stairs away from the intimidating Angel. But not without a remark. "Your time has come. No more will you rule souls or create souls. It is time for the demons to reign and absorb the power of the Universe. There will not be a need for you, humans, or Etherians. There is not a need for the fairies. We will absorb your power!"

While Valefor provoked the Angel, Lahash escaped and found Ipos and his favorite nymph.

Echo was in a fight for Meridian. Lahash remained calm and collected as he casually strolled in and pulled a seat out from under the table to sit and watch in amusement of the scene.

Ipos was incredulous. "Lahash, what are you doing here? I thought you were to remain behind and uphold Astaroth's wish, to protect the boy?"

Lahash put his feet up on the table. "Oh Valefor, I hate to disappoint you, but I have no interest in Astaroth's obsessions or the boy." His deep penetrating eyes fell on Echo.

Valefor turned toward Echo, who stood frozen with Lahash's stare. "Oh yes, you have fallen prey to a nymph, you are under her spell. I will kill her now, and you won't be under any spell."

Valefor lunged toward Echo and struck her across the face, but not to escape the wrath of the nymphs, leaving Meridian unattended. Lahash quickly moved toward Meridian and took Meridian by the arm.

"What will you do if I somehow take Meridian for myself? I saw what you were up to have some plan to cause the witches on Earth some harm, do you? Do you plan to fight the nymphs, Meridian, and the other guides off? Let's not forget about Talon. I think we have seen what he will do to protect them." Lahash sneered, holding onto Meridian as if she had become a willing prisoner. Her face was incredulous at Lahash, in pure disbelief that a demon had switched sides, or appeared to have.

Suddenly, Meridian vanished from everyone's site right before their eyes.

"What have you done!" Valefor screamed. "Where is she?"

Lahash said, "I have not a clue. Why didn't you destroy her when you had the chance?"

Ipos was enraged and yelled, "I can't! Not one demon can destroy her! She must be taken back to the dark realm to be destroyed by the dark one! You know this!"

Lahash shook his head, "Actually, no, I did not."

Ipos went into a demon rage and attacked Lahash, dragging him into the air, beating him, and then, Lahash's eyes turned red.

He unleashed crimson flames from his eyes and mouth. As the two demons fought, the nymphs took the opportunity to leave. As the nymphs ran out, Echo was the last to leave, and she stopped, turned around, and looked up at Lahash.

Venus grabbed her arm, "Echo! What are you doing? Let's go!"

Echo struggled to turn away, "He helped was true." She muttered.

"What?" Venus said as she pulled on her to leave.

Echo went silent and opted to run behind her sisters and get back to the castle, hesitantly leaving Lahash. As they flew back, Venus giggled, "You sure did a good one on Lahash, your spell against him worked!"

Meanwhile, Orion held hands with Meridian trailed by Selena. "How did you know? How did you get there so fast?" Meridian looked at Selena with a shocked grin.

Orion chuckled to himself, "Meridian, Ifrit's do many things, we are powerful too, I do not use my magic near as often. I was happy to have used it for you! Dear Meridian, I find I have always been quite fond of you! Now we have work to do!" Orion's eyes looked upon the castle as they arrived. On the inside, the audible noises of war and slaughter were audible.

Valefor and the Angel were finished exchanging words. The Angel unleashed an attack alongside two other Angels. With a snap of their fingers, they created a quake, shaking the castle, and the ceiling continued to crack. The walls were slowly giving way to the shaking. Outside, Meridian, Orion, and Selena's faces changed in the face of the horror as they felt the realm shake.

"I have never heard of quakes in Etheria!" Selena grabbed Orion for support.

"There aren't any!" Meridian shouted as she plunged up the stairs into the war zone as other guides ran out of the castle, chased by demons. The fallen ran behind Talon to exit alongside the trample of spirit guides.

"Wait for Valefor to do the dirty job. We will not allow him to take away the chance for us to stay here in Etheria and have what we deserve!" Warrick shouted to Astaroth, who remained in the castle and now locked eyes with Meridian.

"Is she mad?" Relic shouted.

"I guess so!" Kieren said as he dodged debris.

Outside the castle, many had escaped and stood to watch to a crumbling castle. Inside Meridian sprung away, flanking Valefor to get to Astaroth, who still held the sword in her grasp.

As Valefor's razor claws brushed her arm and sent her blue blood spewing, she winced in pain, grabbing her arm, but she did not stop. and made it to the imposter, Astaroth, who remained a perfect mirror image of her.

She knocked Astaroth to the ground and then locked eyes on Warrick, who was on her list to destroy.

The realm continued to shake as the Angels continued to let all beings know who was in charge. Ipos who had escaped another fight of his own with Lahash arrived back at the castle. He saw Astaroth and Meridian in a standoff, with Warrick nearby still in his demon form.

Valefor and Ipos stood together, plotting as to how to get past the angels into the hall of souls so Valefor could take what he believed was his, the Universe's power.

Ipos who warned the demons as to what would come said, "I warned all of you before, and despite things can change, I am unsure how this scene will turn out. I never fathomed an Angel, or what is known as a keeper would emerge. I never saw this!" He pointed to the Keeper, who remained in the doorway of the hall of souls.

Meanwhile, Meridian reached for the sword to rip it out of Astaroth's grip, as Astaroth opened her mouth to shoot her vile poison, a familiar voice interrupted, "Meridian?" There stood Aiden, looking at two of the ones he loved. Astaroth remained the one holding the sword. From a distance and without the one clue to see to unlock the mystery of who was the real Meridian, he struggled in confusion.

Warrick, the actual capitalist he was, rushed to Meridian's side and said, "Kill her! Kill her!"

Meridian confused with Warrick's behavior, witnessed Valefor engage the Angel with Ipos on his heels. Orion walked swiftly behind the two conjuring demons, uncertain of their intentions, or shock at the nerve they both showed in the face of an angel.

Ipos and Valefor whispered, "What about Moloch? He is the true soul collector, having been stuck in the nymphs magic, we need him, we cannot do this alone." Ipos said.

"We do not need him quite yet; we need to destroy the nymphs first, he will be sent back once they are destroyed." 

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