Chapter 20 Pt. 3

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Inside Tallulah's house, upstairs in Meridians room, Aiden and Meridian sat together and for a long time and discussed the events were in some ways tragic and in others, a miracle. Meridian remained frustrated at the circumstances while she did her best to show her gratefulness in gaining the quartz sword that, as of late, remained in the fairy nymphs' possession. Her mind also played war with her every time she looked into Aiden's eyes; it was like a dagger to her heart to think they would never be together as they were before her cruse broke. No matter her efforts to maintain some happiness, she always appeared as if it were forced. Her grimace mindset had the reigns most times, and she increasingly found it difficult to look forward to better times.

"I don't know Aiden; everything is so different now. It traps you in this in-between dimension that no one seems to understand. I do not believe you will go to Etheria ever. Not until we break, you free from whatever Astaroth has done to you. Tell me, do you feel different?" Meridian ran her hands down the side of his face, running her fingers through his lengthened blond locks. Her eyes saddened and showed the internal struggle she faced.

Aiden studied his hands, shrugged a bit and said, "Well I am not human anymore, I don't have the same aches I used to have. I never had trouble with my sight, but wow, I can see things more sharply now. I don't feel tired or the need to sleep, which is strange. I feel run down maybe like I need to rest, but those are the major changes I have noticed since my passing." Aiden paused while he stared at the floor, "Meridian, there is one other thing. I know this may not be the best time to bring this up, but you and I, we haven't been together.... you know," Aiden turned his head back toward the middle of the bed and smirked, "Guides, can be together right?"

Meridian chuckled, "That is how I arrived! My parents, oh, do I miss them. I hope when we get back that I can see them. That things are right once more but yes. Why?" Meridian smiled and moved toward Aiden and wrapped her arms around him as she leaned in for a kiss forgetting her mind that carried so much for her to deal with.

As the pair locked lips, things seemed to be all right as though nothing had changed until Meridian jerked her head back and grumbled, "Ew! What is that in your mouth?"

Aiden blushed, "Uh, are we still supposed to be brushing our teeth? I don't remember eating. Wait, a minute. I haven't touched food since the dark realm. Is it that bad?"

"No, it is a taste, it tastes nearly like...," Meridian chomped her jaws together a bit, tasting the awful taste in her mouth to recount what it was, "It's like vinegar. But worse." Meridian moved closer to Aiden and leaned in to kiss him once more. Carefully she placed her lips on his, and they once again pulled together to kiss, and she pulled away back; this time, Aiden suffered discomfort.

"Ow!" Aiden jumped to his feet and held his mouth. "My mouth, it burns when we kiss!"

Meridian scowling said, "Yeah, and your lips still taste awful!"

Aiden paced around the room running his hands through his hair in frustration, and he turned to Meridian and grabbed her by the hands and pulled her up and held her close, "Kiss me again," he said rolling his eyes, "Yes I Know I taste bad, but just do it and then I want you to put your hands on me," Aiden grabbed Meridian's hand and placed it right above the zipper on his jeans.

Meridian giggled, "Oh, wow, you must miss me!"

"Stop, I am serious! Do it!" Aiden closed his eyes and went in for the kiss, and Meridian's hand made its way south, and her fingers brushed down, over Aiden's zipper of his jeans. Meridian jerked her hand back and hollered out.

"Ow! Oh my! That hurt, it felt like it shocked me or something like electricity. Oh, no.." It dawned on Meridian what had taken place.

Aiden grabbed himself with discomfort and said, "Is this what happens to spirit guides who have a stalker demon? Did I just say that?" Aiden jerked his head back in shock that he would have to say something so strange and ironic, but packed with a punch, "Did the fairies say anything about this when anyone is stuck between the realms? I don't get it."

Meridian paced the room, resting her hand on her hip as her other hand tugged at her bottom lip, "No, ghosts do not well, you know. But I know what this is. This is Astaroth's work. It has to be. What do you remember when you were trapped down there, I mean, besides all the other stuff that we already know? Did she give you anything strange? Say anything strange?"

Aiden shook his head, "Not that I can remember. I mean there were times I would stand there talking to her and then I would wake up and be there alone or something. I lost time."

"That is it then, she must have done something to you when you were out. This is a demon curse. She wants you; she doesn't want me or anyone else to have you, and it looks like whatever else goes along with keeping you out of the dark realm, she made sure we can't be together either. Wow. The demons they sure know how to put a damper on a being's sex life. First me, now you. Great! What is strange is when we kissed in the dark realm, this didn't happen. Maybe it is something that takes time to set in. Or she did something since you left?" Meridian slapped her legs with her hands as they dropped them in frustration and flopped on her bed.

Aiden sat next to her, "Well, does true love break this?"

"I don't know, Aiden. I doubt it. This is more powerful, different. My curse, the other men would die. With your curse, it is like she wants to punish you and whoever touches you. Wow talk about jealousy and possessiveness wrapped up for a punch. We must get downstairs and tell Tallulah everything and find the fairies. They are the only ones that ever seem to know about these things and understand them. Besides, everyone, including your father, you haven't had a minute to talk to are waiting for us now."

Meridian Chronicles:  Keepers &  The Soul Key (#4)Where stories live. Discover now