Chapter 1Part 1

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The demon realm suffered somewhat of a loss, without Pyro at court things did not seem the same since the fairy nymph Karma destroyed him. For some demons uncertainty remained, giving rise to heaviness that consumed them. On the contrary, others appeared aloof. As though immunity was their right and entitlement in such a time. Secrets within the demon court quietly existed; However, one demoness carried her own secret with an understated pride and arrogance.

Astaroth and Moloch quietly sat together awaiting the rest of the court to fall in and begin discussions from the lost battle for Meridian's soul. Astaroth with her cool grin and a relentless smugness through her eyes, stared downward laying her eyes upon the stone table. Her flaxen mane, exquisite complexion and beauty certainly fed truth to the rumors of demon deceptions. She looked past the floating flame above the table, not paying mind to the court members who slowly strolled in. Their feet drug across the gritty floor and the scrapes with each stride was audible throughout the room. Filled with disgust, their faces did not reflect the polarized expression compared to Astaroth. Her face brimmed with smug pleasure.

"What are you grinning at? Can't you see what has happened here? Karma destroyed Pyro and there is no telling what will happen to Warrick now, not that we care. Who is to say that we may not suffer the same wrath from the dark one?" Valefor exclaimed as he entered the great room of the dark one's addresses. His gait was rushed giving the large boots he wore an astounding slam with each step. His dated but sophisticated attire told of the times he existed through, giving the appearance of not just a duke of the dark realm, but a duke from the late 1700s. His hair was thick and comparable to the white powdered wigs of the time.

Moloch's eyes bulged out of his large head, "Valefor, who cares about Warrick! Who cares about Pyro! He was a loose cannon, anyway; he should have known he was in a weakened state when he summoned Ipos through his sigil. Who cares. Raina's soul, is with us now and her soul was her payment for the many favors we granted her. Things are not as bad as they seem, not yet anyway. Where is Ipos speaking of him?"

An interruption of sorts stopped the heightened demon banter, all eyes fell upon the one who decided to grace them with his arrogant presence. Astaroth who finally blinked her eyes back into the present apart from her cryptic moment of hypnotic staring, said, "Speak of the devil." She lost her gleam, her smugness replaced with disdain.

Lahash stood amidst the demonic circle and said, "What a compliment indeed, especially coming from you, Ms. Astaroth, however I regret to say that as much as I crave advancement from my current station, I can't see that I would rise to such a title." Lahash locked eyes with the demoness as he strode into the room, the slight upturn of his lip and a half-raised eyebrow to boot while he continued his unwavering confidence. He took his usual seat and placed his elbows on the massive arm rests of the chair. Clasping his long fingers together he answered Valefor's question. "Ipos has left for a bit. Strange... Ipos, I never thought I would see the time come where a demon had to take leave of his demonic home, for a short while I suppose."

Valefor quickened his sights on Lahash with doubt, "What are you speaking of? Ipos has left the dark realm? For what reason? He in no way stands any wrath for the failures. Only you, Lahash. You stand in a position for punishment. Moloch collected Raina's soul, I have not had the chance to pursue my ultimate destiny to absorb the Universe's power hidden in the Hall of Souls, and you... you aided the nymphs to take out Pyro! Helping the spirit guides! You are a disgrace to our kind."

Lahash slowly moved his hand to the table and stared at his long fingers as he drummed them. "Me? Trouble? I say not. First of all, I will be needed... the nymphs will surely rise to the occasion and aid Meridian and the rest to acquire the quartz sword. She will need the sword to destroy Warrick, if the dark one doesn't do it for her. If anything, I should be hailed greatly for saving Ipos. Pyro was nothing but trouble."

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