Chapter 9

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Meanwhile, back in Etheria Charity had resumed the duties that had been momentarily stripped away after Warrick exiled Caius into the Hall of Souls. Farrah remained quiet and kept a watchful eye on her tyrant husband.

Charity's long grey hair seemed darker, and the lines across her face showed the long-lived years. Her confident but humbled eyes still remained, but there was something different to them when she spoke. Not only did she struggle to maintain prolonged eye contact with anyone, but it was also as if something was missing from her own soul. Like a thief in the night took it away leaving her lifeless, without the strong feeling that her existence meant something.

She remained in her quarters for much of the time after she escaped the dark realm, hiding other things her heart was heavy to share. The one person whom she took extra care to avoid had just arrived, knocking on her door. Charity startled a bit with the light pecking, turned her body around the arm of the large wooden chair she was seated in. She quietly closed the old leather journal she read and peeked through the small opening in the door.

The visitor's face was paler than she remembered. Her long black curly hair was perfectly kept tied back in a ponytail draping over her shoulders. Arianna maintained her weary eyes downward to examine her hands as she anticipated the door to come open.

"Charity, can I come in?" Arianna hesitantly asked.

Charity took a step back to allow the dark oak door to swing open as she nodded. Arianna walked into the quarters and examined the artwork Charity collected over the years. She took a deep breath and placed her hands joyously on her hips taking a step toward the window.

"Ahh, just as I always remember. Your room always smelled of Lilac. One of the reasons I always loved to come and see you." Arianna turned around and dropped her hands away from her hips. The sunlight showed through her dark locks creating an amber glow through her tendrils. Charity studied her old artwork on the walls, momentarily getting lost in her past.

As Arianna approached, Charity did not break her gaze at the large painting of one of Etheria's extensive gardens. Arianna stood just a step away, taking her by the hands.

"Charity, I know you try so hard to control your thoughts, you don't have to with me. You have nothing to feel guilty for. Nothing that took place when Caius was cast away by Warrick, had anything to do with you. You need to forgive yourself." Arianna's large brown and soulful eyes seemed to pop more with the contrast of her lavender-colored dress.

Charity, turned her head, only exposing her profile and an eye that filled with tears. "Arianna, all that time they held me a prisoner in the dark realm, there wasn't a day that went by that I did not regret doing something different. I knew during the trial that Caius blocked his thoughts to me and all of us at the council. I knew that even though he was breaking Warrick's laws that he did so for the right reasons. He was, is...the best of us all. Caius always stood for what he believed in and met his end fighting for what he believed in. I failed him. I failed you and Meridian." Charity backed away from Arianna still refusing eye contact, turning her back away to bury her face into her hands.

Arianna approached her and placed her hand on Charity's shoulder and whispered, "You didn't let anyone down. Warrick would have eventually done the exact thing he did, with or without you."

Charity turned around; her eyes full of tears that danced on the rim of her tired eyes. The reflection of the light in her tears glistened as she finally made eye contact with Arianna. "It doesn't matter. I did not understand that Brennan was such a Warrick worshiper. I did not listen to the other guides. I was too worried about remaining logical, black and white. Never allowing my heart to lead the way. You and your husband have contributed so much to our home, here in Etheria. Guidance to the new guides that have come after their transcendence of human lives lived before. Chance, oh how he looked up to Caius as a father. Meridian, had I done something to protect Caius, she wouldn't have left that day, and exposed herself to Aiden. She would have not been cast away to endure the pain and suffering of Warrick's curse. I deserve no better." The tears finally left her eyes and rolled down her hollowed cheeks.

Arianna embraced the council member and good friend. "We love you, Charity. We know that you were threatened by Warrick." Arianna released her tight embrace and looked into Charity's wet eyes. "You are here, you made it out. Now you can take charge of Etheria and turn things around. The best thing you could do is be who you are, take command and bring things to rights." Arianna smiled with confidence and loyalty.

Farrah and I may have had our differences, but now that we learn the truth about Warrick's identity, I think she and I have an understanding. I know I was not held prisoner there as long as you. I know that all that time I spent is in no comparison to how long you endured your capture. But when I was there, I had not one bad opinion of you. Only hope."

"Meridian is Etheria's salvation, it is your daughter that is meant to take Etheria. I cannot do what you ask." Charity backed away; her face darkened.

Arianna shook her head quickly. "No Charity. We need you. Meridian is literally facing her own demons, walking her own path to save the one boy that her father never wanted to see her around. The son of a fallen who has turned out to be a hero to us all. A once human, that had his choice stolen from a demon. Let Meridian tell you what she wants when the time comes. Right now all eyes of Etheria look to you for the answers and the path to the way of things as they should be." Arianna turned to walk away toward the door to leave and paused, turning her head over her shoulders with a grand smile. "Now since Selena is here for us, she has the Fairy Quartz, and I know the blessing needed will come from you, the only council member left. You can perform the ritual."

Charity's eyes narrowed a bit as she worked out what Arianna implied. "Caius. Yes, we will with the Keepers' blessing wake Caius." Charity took in a deep breath accompanied by a smile, bringing the light back into her tired eyes and the wind back into her sail.  

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