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My face was smushed against someone's chest, my arm curled up under my chin as I slept. They were making circles on my bare shoulder, making goosebumps form on my skin. I stir a little, my eyes barely opening before closing.

"Morning baby." I immediately stiffen, sitting up. I look at Corbyn tiredly.

"What are you doing?" I ask, tired and confused.

"I wanted to apologize but you were asleep. I'm sorry I made you think I didn't want this. I love you and our little one. I hope you can forgive me." He says, his eyes wandering my face. I lay back on his chest, cuddling back into him.

"I forgive you." I mumble, closing my eyes again. He was so warm, I never wanted to leave. He hums happily in response his arm going around my waist.

"I can feel the hardness of your belly. I can't wait until you get a cute little bump." I place a finger over his lips, not opening my eyes.

"Shh. Tryna sleep." I mumble.

"Sorry baby. Go ahead and sleep." I hum, happy with his words. I feel his fingers making circles again, relaxing me even more. I hear him unlock his phone, causing me to open on of my eyes just a little.

My heart swells when I see the google search on his phone.

Do's and don'ts of pregnancy.

With that, I close my eyes again and slowly drift off to sleep.


The Asia tour went and passed fairly quickly. We only had like 3 shows anyways, but long story short we were now home. Corbyn set up a doctors appointment so we could figure out how far along I was. I mean, we've had plenty of sex, god only knows which one was the lucky shot.

"No way! Man having you pregnant is gonna be amazing." Corbyn sighs happily. I glance at him in confusion.

"Why?" I ask, popping a chip in my mouth.

"Because it says here, that your sex drive is heightened. You're gonna be horny as hell." He chuckles. I blush, my eyes drifting to my chip bag. Damn pregnancy hormones.

"Daniel! Jack said something happened in Japan! Are you alright?" I glance up, seeing Gabbie. Yes, Corbyn was saying all this shit in the living room. 

Corbyn glances at the girl, motioning her over. She sets her car seat down, a sleeping Lav meeting my view before she sits down.

"Hey Gabs. I uh well I did find out something in Japan. Um-" before I could finish, Corbyn cuts me off, being way too excited.

"He's pregnant! We're gonna have a cute little baby and we're gonna be a cute little family and I can't wait!" He gushes excitedly. I blush, chuckling softly. It was adorable how excited he was.

"No way! Can I see?" I lift up my shirt, my slightly pudgy tummy on full view. She looks at my stomach in awe.

"How far along are you?" She asks.

"I don't know. We have an appointment tomorrow to find out." I say, glancing at the girl.

"Well by the looks of it you got at least 7 more months." Corbyns head snaps up.

"What why? That's so long!" He pouts. I glance at the boy.

"Corbyn it takes time for the baby to well, become a baby. It's probably just a small blob right now." I explain. I took anatomy in high school and we did a section on pregnancy.

"Oh." I giggle at his stupidity, shaking my head. Really?

"Well if you need anything just let me know." She chuckles. I nod, watching her scoop up Lav and head upstairs.

Corbyn kneels in front of me, placing a kiss on my stomach. He rubs his hand over it, smiling up at me.

"I can't wait to hold our little one. I hope they have your eyes. Oh and your cute little nose! Our baby is gonna be so beautiful just like it's mama." I can't help the tears that reach my eyes. I don't think I've ever loved someone as much as I love him.


Yo guyssss!! I'm so excited! I'm seeing wdw AGAIN

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Yo guyssss!! I'm so excited! I'm seeing wdw AGAIN. In like a month I'm so excited ahh! And the day after I see them I see Louis Tomlinson and the day after that I see the Jonas brothers 😍 GUYS IM SO EXCITED. I posted a new chapter just so I could tell you guys 😂 anywho carry on.

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