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After a lot of begging and a little water works, I convinced them to do the shoot and the video. I wasn't going to let my fans down. Corbyn wasn't happy with my plans at all. He didn't want me near the water and he didn't want me doing the shoot or the video. Of course I did it anyways. He wasn't happy at all.

Once everything was done, we had gone back home. It was dark out and I had just showered and was ready for bed. When I walked in the room, my eyes land on an angry Corbyn sitting on the bed.

"Hey." He doesn't respond, still angrily looking forward. I frown sitting next to him on the bed.

"I said hey." He glares at me, standing up.

"Why do you always defy me? I want you to be safe and you go and ignore me because you get off on being Ignorant! Honestly what the fuck Daniel?" My frown deepens as I look at the boy, his nostrils flaring.

"I-I just wanted to-" I stutter.

"You just wanted to what Daniel? Put not only yourself but the baby at risk too? What kind of mother are you?!" I flinch at his words, my eyes watering.

"I honestly don't know what to do with you anymore." He snaps before leaving. I glance at my stomach, wiping the tears rapidly falling down my face.

Am I really a bad mother? Am I even fit to be a mom? I sniffle before getting up and limping slightly to the closet. I took the boot off because it was annoying me. I grab a duffle bag and shove some clothes in it. I wipe my eyes again as I grab my toiletries from my bathroom.

"Dani hey, I heard everything. You're an amazing mother okay? Corbyn is just a little mad and is being a complete dick. I- wait where are you going?" Jack looks from me to the bag I was shoving my toiletries in.

"Um. I'm going to stay with my mom for tonight. Maybe tomorrow too. Um don't tell Corbyn yea?" I sniffle. He frowns, but nods.

"Yea um okay. Just be safe okay? And text me." I nod, pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you." I mumble into his neck.

"No problem bubs." He squeezes me gently before pulling away.

"I'll drop you off okay?" I nod. He takes my bag for me, and we both head down the stairs and towards the door.

"Where ya going? Corbyn just left and looked pretty mad." I look away from Zach, not wanting to talk about it.

"It's nothing Z. Go bug Jonah or something." Jack chuckles.

We leave the house and start the drive to my parents house. Then it all hits me. How do I tell my parents I'm pregnant? And that the father walked away from me like 5 minutes ago? We pull up to the beautiful two story house and I let out a shaky breath. Well here goes nothing.

"Goodnight Dani. Text me tomorrow yea?" I nod.

"Thanks again Jacky. It means a lot." He just smiles, watching as I grab my bag and leave the car. I swallow the lump in my throat and walk up to the house, slowly knocking. Within seconds it opens.

"Daniel my baby! What are you doing here?" My mom asks excitedly. My smile drops a little and I look at my feet.

"Can we um can we talk?" Her smile turns to a look of worry before she nods.

"Yea yea come in love. What's wrong?" I follow her in and her eyes immediately go to my bag.

"Daniel baby did something happen?" I glance at her.

"Uh yes and no. Mom I'm pregnant. And I well the father and I just had a fight and I have an appointment tomorrow and I have nowhere to go Mom I'm scared." I break, unable to hold it in as I sob.

"Oh baby it's okay. It's okay. Mamas here. You can stay as long as you like. I'll take you to your appointment tomorrow okay?" I nod, not lifting my head from her chest.

"Who was at the- Daniel? Son what's going on?" I didn't move but I could feel my mom look at him.

"Hunny he's pregnant. And um the father and him are fighting right now." She says quietly.

"He's.. he's pregnant? We're gonna be grandparents?" My sobs die down to hiccups, my mom pulls away a little.

"Let's go rest love okay? That way we can make it to your appointment well rested." I sniffle, nodding as I wipe my eyes. My dad grabbed my bag as my mom led me upstairs.

She led me to my old room, shooing my siblings away when they tried to figure out what was going on. I quickly change, curling up in bed.

"Sleep tight love. I'll see you tomorrow." She pecks my forehead, bringing my blanket over my body more.

"Goodnight mama." I hum, closing my eyes. She turns off the light and leaves the room but I was still able to hear her.

"Mom why can't we see him? Is something wrong?" Anna asks.

"Guys, your brother is pregnant. He's going through a hard time right now and is scared and needs all the support he can get. He's sleeping right now but tomorrow I want you to treat him no different." That's the last thing I hear before I fall asleep.


Haha y'all can hate me later I gotta go to work 🤪

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Haha y'all can hate me later I gotta go to work 🤪

Also my friends bailed on me so I guess I'm seeing why don't we alone? Yeet maybe I'll make some friends there 🤷🏼‍♀️ oh also HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!

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