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The next morning was one I wish never had to end. Corbyn had brought the babies in bed with him, the two cuddled up between us. I smile tiredly, glancing at the infants between us.

"I could get used to waking up like this." Corbyn says, smiling softly. I couldn't agree more. These two were beautiful little babies and I couldn't be happier to call them mine.

"Should I post a picture? Let the world know baby Besson and baby Besson number two are here?" I nod, smiling as Brighton shifts in his sleep.

After messing on his phone for a little bit, He looks over at me and the babies.

"You know, tomorrow is valentines day. I know you can't do anything so I figured we could have a family cuddle session with Disney movies?" I nod, glancing down when they start to squirm and fuss.

Aften started to wail, Brighton following right after. Oddly enough, they were crying for two different reasons. Aften had gone to the bathroom and Brighton was hungry. I lifted my shirt over my head, bringing Brighton to my chest, the small infant latching on quickly. I then got up and followed Corbyn to the changing table.

"Ok so what do I do first?" He asks, glancing at me.

"Undo her diaper, use it to wipe as much of the poop with it as you can, and then wipe her until she's clean, add some baby powder and slide the new diaper on." I say, unconsciously rocking Brighton as he feeds. He does as I say, buttoning her onesie and sliding on her cozy pants. Thankfully Corbyn bought preemie clothes while I was in the hospital. All we had was newborn and a few bigger ones.

They looked absolutely adorable in matching jammies. Brighton had fallen asleep while nursing, so I slowly places a burp rag over my shoulder, gently bringing him over to lay on it. I pat his back gently, a small burp to leave his lips. He thankfully stayed asleep though. Aften in the other hand decided she was hungry. So we switched babies, Brighton sleeping against Corbyn's chest, and Aften attached to mine.

I slowly walk back to the bed, Corbyn following me. Standing even for that short amount of time hurt my legs. Aften has slowly finished, but didn't fall asleep. I burped her gently, a small burp leaving her lips. I move her from my shoulder, her eyes looking around curiously as Amal noises leave her lips. Her arms were wiggling around and I couldn't help but coo. She was adorable. Corbyn smiles at her, tapping her nose. A wide grin makes its way to her face, and it's only then that Corbyn realizes.

"Baby she has your eyes. And your nose!" I smile down at the baby girl in my arms.

"She has your ears." I chuckle, glancing at the blonde. He was looking at me fondly.

"I have to go out with Jack today. Will you be okay if Gabbie comes over?" I nod, a little confused at the sudden question. He sits up and places Brighton in the cot, before heading over to the closet.

"Oh you meant right now?" He nods and I immediately feel a little down. Oh. I lay Aften down before getting dressed too. I mean, we were having company over.

I mange to grab both babies, setting them in the cot in the living room. Corbyn walks right past me, keys in hand before leaving. I frown, sitting down. What was that all about? The door opens a few minutes later, Gabbie and Lav entering.

"Hey Dani how are you feeling?" I smile small at the girl, looking at my lap.

"Well I was doing great until Corbyn just left out of the blue. He didn't even say goodbye." She smiles softly, sitting by me.

"I swear he meant good. I overheard what him and Jack were talking about but I can't tell you." I nod, glancing at the now both awake and wiggling babies.

"So hows the mom life treating you?" A smile comes to my face as I look at her.

"I love these two like crazy. I wouldn't trade them for the world." I watch as Lav crawls around the room curiously.

"Do you want to hold one?" I ask. She nods excitedly, sitting by me. I lift Aften out and hand her to Gabbie. I then lift Brighton, the little boy smiling as he flailed his arms.

"They're so tiny!" I chuckle, nodding.

"They are."

We got to talking, Gabbie giving me tips while also sharing some of her experiences. Soon both the twins and Lav were asleep as we continued to talk in the living room. Gabbie glances over at Lav as she shifts, but doesn't wake.

"She's getting so big." I sigh, the girl nodding.

"Hey we should go shopping someday-" Gabbie gets cut off by a loud knock on the door. Unfortunately all the babies wake up, crying loudly.

"Gabbie can you get the door." I sigh, scooping up both Brighton and Aften. I turn around as Gabbie opens the door, barely having time to move as Zach zooms past me. I glance at Gabbie confused.

"Zach what the hell? I'm carrying two newborn babies Incase you didn't notice." I snap, glaring at the boy on the couch. He looks up and my face immediately drops. He had a stream of tears falling down his face as he looked away once more.

"I'm pregnant."



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This is the end of Ocean

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This is the end of Ocean. Thank you guys so much for reading this story! I love you guys and I'm glad we got to go on this story journey together. But fear not my friends, there is a sequel.

Keep an eye out for Waves, coming to you very soon.

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