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We were back home, just having come back from my week 8 appointment. My small bump had gotten a smidge bigger, and well, so has my attitude. Apparently it's normal but I still felt bad sometimes. The boys have been patient with me, Jack having to explain my sudden mood swings.

I was now on the couch, my hand over my stomach as I winced. I hated these cramps more than anything. I don't know how girls handle it once a month.

"Hey bub you okay?" I nod, not opening my eyes.

"Pregnancy cramps?" I nod, not liking the nausea rising.

"I don't feel the greatest." I admit. Jack nods in understanding, standing up from the couch.

"I'll go get my rice sock. Gabbie used it when she was cramping." I don't respond, quickly getting up and making my way to the bathroom. Zach jumps in surprise as I push open the door, emptying my stomach into the toilet. He was washing his hands, but was quick to comfort me.

"Hey hey it's okay buddy. Do you want me to get Corbyn?" Tears were in my eyes as I nodded. Zach looks up, glancing around before seeing Jonah walk by the door.

"Jo can you get Corbyn?" The elder looks over, his eyes landing on me before nodding. Corbyn had a small cough and didn't want to be around me so I wouldn't get sick, but I needed his touch. I needed him.

"Hey hey what's wrong buddy?" Corbyn asks, his voice hoarse. He quickly takes Zach's place, his hand gently on my back.

"I don't feel good." I say, trying my hardest not to cry.

"Love it's okay. Let's go lay down okay? Maybe watch a movie?" I nod, flushing the toilet as I get up.

"I'm sorry." He frowns,shaking his head.

"Baby you have nothing to be sorry for." I didn't agree but I went with him anyways, following the boy upstairs.

As soon as he shut the door, he crawled in bed with me, pulling me to his chest. I hum in content, cuddling up to him. He turns on the tv and starts to watch whatever movie was on as I slowly close my eyes. It wasn't long before I was asleep.


A soft snore reaches my ears, causing me to glance down. I smile softly at the sleeping boy on my chest. He was absolutely adorable, especially when he sleeps. The way he curls his arm under his chin, the way his eyebrows twitch or the way his lips part for his soft snores. Hell even the way his eyes flutter as he dreams is adorable.

I place my hand on his barely there bump, rubbing my thumb over it. He wasn't feeling good but I knew it all had to do with the pregnancy. The doc said his symptoms would be a little harsher seeing as he's not female and that his body wasn't quite made for the process.

Earlier today I googled all the symptoms for the different weeks and put them into my notes. That way I would know if it was expected, or if he was sick. As for the throwing up, that's expected for 8 weeks.

"Corbyn?" I glance over at the door, seeing Zach.

"Hey what's up?" The boy looked nervous.

"Is he okay?" I glance at the sleeping boy on my chest.

"Yea he's okay. You seem nervous though. What's bugging you?" He blushes, looking at the floor.

"Are all guys like Daniel? I mean I'm horny just like any teenager but I can't get pregnant. My parents would kill me if they found out I was pregnant with another boys kid, hell they'd kill me if I was with a boy!" He looked distraught and panicked. It made my heart ache seeing how scared he was.

"I'm sorry buddy but I don't know. To be safe take some birth control and always use a condom. Okay? We're here to support you no matter what." The small brunette nods, glancing at me.

"Thanks Corbyn. I appreciate it. Um I'll leave you be now." He quickly leaves and I can't help but think about what he said. Daniels parents supported him and I have yet to tell mine.

"Uh Corbyn?" I sigh before looking at the door once again.

"Yes Jack?" He looks just as nervous as Zach did only moments before.

"I'm afraid I have some news you're not gonna like." I furrow my brows.


"Well since Daniel did the shoot, they think he'll be okay to do a pop up tour. It's only 5 shows. We have a meeting tomorrow about it I just, I wanted you to know." They want to what?! They want to send my pregnant boyfriend around the states?

I was mad without a doubt, but the second Daniel shifted in my arms it all went away. God I love that boy.


Hey guys! I won't be active tomorrow unfortunately

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Hey guys! I won't be active tomorrow unfortunately. I am meeting Scotty Sire and Toddy tomorrow and will be busy all day in Phoenix (:

We got a new kid today (I'm a teacher in the autism program) and he is the cutest and sweetest little boy. I hope he stays in my class!

I'm also very sick but I'm trying to tough it out for work and the concert tomorrow. Hope you all had a wonderful day (:

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